Tag: Promotions

1 5 6 7 8 9 49 70 / 486 POSTS
Promotion in Driver Cadre in RPF/RPSF – Guidelines to conduct the selection: Railway Board

Promotion in Driver Cadre in RPF/RPSF – Guidelines to conduct the selection: Railway Board

Promotion in Driver Cadre in RPF/RPSF - Guidelines to conduct the selection: Railway Board Order dated 05.04.2023 भारत सरकार (GOVERNMENT OF INDIA) र [...]
Guidelines on Departmental Promotion Committees: Information Document by DoP&T

Guidelines on Departmental Promotion Committees: Information Document by DoP&T

Guidelines on Departmental Promotion Committees: Information Document by DoP&T on Functions and Composition, Model Calendar, Preparatory Action, P [...]
Identification of backlog reserved vacancies – Constitution of an In-house Committee by DoT

Identification of backlog reserved vacancies – Constitution of an In-house Committee by DoT

Identification of backlog reserved vacancies - Constitution of an In-house Committee by DoT No. 01-01/2023-SCT Government of India Ministry of Comm [...]
Timely verification of Caste/Community Certificates: DoP&T Rules

Timely verification of Caste/Community Certificates: DoP&T Rules

Timely verification of Caste/Community Certificates: DoP&T Rules No.41034/1/2022-Estt.(Res-I) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public [...]
Review of mode of promotion for the post of Shunting Master, Grade-I & Grade-II: Railway Board RBE No. 43/2023

Review of mode of promotion for the post of Shunting Master, Grade-I & Grade-II: Railway Board RBE No. 43/2023

Review of mode of promotion from "Selection" to 'Non- Selection" for the post of Shunting Master, Grade-I in GP Rs.4200, Level-6 and Shunting Master, [...]
Reservation in promotion to PwBDs – Clarification by DoPT on carrying forward of unfilled vacancies: Railway Board Order

Reservation in promotion to PwBDs – Clarification by DoPT on carrying forward of unfilled vacancies: Railway Board Order

Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) Promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ – Clarification by DoPT on carrying forw [...]
सीधी भर्ती से आने वाले एवं पदोन्नति पाने वालों की वरिष्ठता के संबंध में दिनांक 19-11-2019 से संशोधित निर्देश एवं उनकी परस्पर वरिष्ठता के संबंध में: DoP&T Order

सीधी भर्ती से आने वाले एवं पदोन्नति पाने वालों की वरिष्ठता के संबंध में दिनांक 19-11-2019 से संशोधित निर्देश एवं उनकी परस्पर वरिष्ठता के संबंध में: DoP&T Order

सीधी भर्ती से आने वाले एवं पदोन्नति पाने वालों की वरिष्ठता के संबंध में दिनांक 19-11-2019 से संशोधित निर्देश एवं उनकी परस्पर वरिष्ठता के संबंध में: Do [...]
30% LDCE for Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways through CBT – Calling of candidates for viva-voce: Railway Board Order

30% LDCE for Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways through CBT – Calling of candidates for viva-voce: Railway Board Order

30% LDCE for Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways through Centralized Computer Based Objective type examination (CBT)- calling of candidat [...]
Relaxation in the condition of acquiring higher qualifications for grant of Selection Grade to Railway Teachers: RBE No. 36/2023

Relaxation in the condition of acquiring higher qualifications for grant of Selection Grade to Railway Teachers: RBE No. 36/2023

Relaxation in the condition of acquiring higher qualifications for grant of Selection Grade under CAS to miscellaneous category of teachers: Railway B [...]
Fixation of pay of running staff on promotion to the ‘General Posts – clarifications: RBE No. 34/2023

Fixation of pay of running staff on promotion to the ‘General Posts – clarifications: RBE No. 34/2023

Fixation of pay of running staff on promotion to the ‘General Posts - clarifications: RBE No. 34/2023 dated 20.02.2023 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY [...]
1 5 6 7 8 9 49 70 / 486 POSTS