Tag: Promotions

1 9 10 11 12 13 49 110 / 486 POSTS
Sealed Cover Procedure and its implications on the Government servants at the time of promotion: Information Document by DoP&T updated as on 30.08.2022

Sealed Cover Procedure and its implications on the Government servants at the time of promotion: Information Document by DoP&T updated as on 30.08.2022

Sealed Cover Procedure and its implications on the Government servants at the time of promotion: Information Document by DoP&T updated as on 30.08 [...]
Promotion from erstwhile Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ and within Group ‘C’ staff through Suitability Test, PQ, LDCE, GDCE: Railway Board RBE No. 91/2022

Promotion from erstwhile Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ and within Group ‘C’ staff through Suitability Test, PQ, LDCE, GDCE: Railway Board RBE No. 91/2022

Promotion from erstwhile Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ and within Group ‘C’ staff through Suitability Test, PQ, LDCE, GDCE: Railway Board RBE No. 91/2022 RB [...]
Selection for promotion from erstwhile Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ and within Group ‘C’ staff through Suitability Test, PQ, LDCE, GDCE: Railway Board RBE No. 92/2022

Selection for promotion from erstwhile Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ and within Group ‘C’ staff through Suitability Test, PQ, LDCE, GDCE: Railway Board RBE No. 92/2022

Selection for promotion from erstwhile Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ and within Group ‘C’ staff through Suitability Test, PQ, LDCE, GDCE: Railway Board RBE [...]
पदोन्नति पर कर्मचारियों को कार्यभार मुक्त करने के संबंध में अनुदेश: Railway Board RBE No. 90/2022

पदोन्नति पर कर्मचारियों को कार्यभार मुक्त करने के संबंध में अनुदेश: Railway Board RBE No. 90/2022

पदोन्नति पर कर्मचारियों को कार्यभार मुक्त करने के संबंध में अनुदेश: Railway Board RBE No. 90/2022 आरबीई सं. 90 भारत सरकार/GOVERNMENT OF INDIA रेल म [...]
Reservation in Promotion to the PwBDs Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts: Railway Board RBE No. 97/2022

Reservation in Promotion to the PwBDs Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts: Railway Board RBE No. 97/2022

Reservation in Promotion to the PwBDs Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts: Railway Board RBE No. 97/2022 RBE NO. 97/2022 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF R [...]
Conduct of selections – both Rankers and LDCE quota: Railway Board Order RBE No. 89/2022

Conduct of selections – both Rankers and LDCE quota: Railway Board Order RBE No. 89/2022

  Conduct of selections – both Rankers and LDCE quota: Railway Board Order RBE No. 89/2022 RBE No. 89/2022 भारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF INDIA र [...]
SOP for the conduct of LDCEs by Department of Posts vide Order dated 11.08.2022

SOP for the conduct of LDCEs by Department of Posts vide Order dated 11.08.2022

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the conduct of Limited Departmental Competitive Examinations (LDCEs)/Competitive Examination by Department of P [...]
Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBDs): Railway Board Order

Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBDs): Railway Board Order

  Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBDs): Railway Board Order RBE No. 74/2022 RBE No. 74/2022 भारत सरकार/GOVE [...]
Exemption from Speed Test in Stenography for promotion to Stenographer Grade I in Level-6: Railway Board Order

Exemption from Speed Test in Stenography for promotion to Stenographer Grade I in Level-6: Railway Board Order

Exemption from Speed Test in Stenography @100 w.p.m. for promotion from Stenographer Grade III to Stenographer Grade I in Level-6 who have already acq [...]
1 9 10 11 12 13 49 110 / 486 POSTS