Tag: Promotions
Sealed Cover Procedure and its implications on the Government servants at the time of promotion: Information Document by DoP&T updated as on 30.08.2022
Sealed Cover Procedure and its implications on the Government servants at the time of promotion: Information Document by DoP&T updated as on 30.08 [...]
Promotion from erstwhile Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ and within Group ‘C’ staff through Suitability Test, PQ, LDCE, GDCE: Railway Board RBE No. 91/2022
Promotion from erstwhile Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ and within Group ‘C’ staff through Suitability Test, PQ, LDCE, GDCE: Railway Board RBE No. 91/2022
RB [...]
Selection for promotion from erstwhile Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ and within Group ‘C’ staff through Suitability Test, PQ, LDCE, GDCE: Railway Board RBE No. 92/2022
Selection for promotion from erstwhile Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ and within Group ‘C’ staff through Suitability Test, PQ, LDCE, GDCE: Railway Board
RBE [...]
पदोन्नति पर कर्मचारियों को कार्यभार मुक्त करने के संबंध में अनुदेश: Railway Board RBE No. 90/2022
पदोन्नति पर कर्मचारियों को कार्यभार मुक्त करने के संबंध में अनुदेश: Railway Board RBE No. 90/2022
आरबीई सं. 90
रेल म [...]
Reservation in Promotion to the PwBDs Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts: Railway Board RBE No. 97/2022
Reservation in Promotion to the PwBDs Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts: Railway Board RBE No. 97/2022
RBE NO. 97/2022
Conduct of selections – both Rankers and LDCE quota: Railway Board Order RBE No. 89/2022
Conduct of selections – both Rankers and LDCE quota: Railway Board Order RBE No. 89/2022
RBE No. 89/2022
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SOP for the conduct of LDCEs by Department of Posts vide Order dated 11.08.2022
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the conduct of Limited Departmental Competitive Examinations (LDCEs)/Competitive Examination by Department of P [...]
Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBDs): Railway Board Order
Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBDs): Railway Board Order RBE No. 74/2022
RBE No. 74/2022
भारत सरकार/GOVE [...]
Exemption from Speed Test in Stenography for promotion to Stenographer Grade I in Level-6: Railway Board Order
Exemption from Speed Test in Stenography @100 w.p.m. for promotion from Stenographer Grade III to Stenographer Grade I in Level-6 who have already acq [...]
Methodology of fixation of pay on promotion on account of passing SAS Part-II/Appendix-II Examinations which involves Special Allowance: Clarification by Department of Expenditure
Methodology of fixation of pay on promotion to SO(A/c)AAO on account of passing SAS Part-II/Appendix-II Examinations which involves Special Allowanc [...]