Tag: Pay Fixation
Fixation of pay on promotion in 6th CPC pay structure-deprival of annual increment, to those promoted prior to 31.12.2006
Fixation of pay on promotion in 6th CPC pay structure-deprival of annual increment, to those promoted prior to 31.12.2006
Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties responsibilities but carrying same grade pay i.r.o. Shunters and Goods Guard
Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties responsibilities but carrying same grade pay i.r.o. Shunters and Goods Guard: Item No. 4 [...]
Pay Fixation of Sr. Nurse Gr-II (GP 4600) absorbed from the post of Midwife Nurse (GP 2000): Clarification
Pay Fixation of Sr. Nurse Gr-II (GP 4600) absorbed from the post of Midwife Nurse (GP 2000): Clarification
7th Pay Commission: On pending pay fixation of Central Govt Employees in Grade Pay 4600, Modi govt clarifies
7th Pay Commission: On pending pay fixation of Central Govt Employees in Grade Pay 4600, Modi govt clarifies
7th Pay Commission Latest News: Here's t [...]
7th CPC Pay Fixation on Deputation: DoP&T OM dated 02.03.2021 reg amendment to Para 5 of consolidated guidelines on deputation
7th CPC Pay Fixation on Deputation: DoP&T OM dated 02.03.2021 reg amendment to Para 5 of consolidated guidelines on deputation according to 7th CP [...]
Fixation of Pay on promotion from Maj to Lt Col as per 6th CPC Regime: PCDA (O) Pune Message No. 05/2021
Fixation of Pay on promotion from Maj to Lt Col as per 6th CPC Regime: PCDA (O)
Message No. 05/2021
Fixation of Pay on promotion from Maj to Lt Co [...]
Fixation of pay of Government officials at 18,460 under 6th CPC who were promoted from pre-revised Grade Pay of 4,200/- to 4,600/-
Fixation of pay of Government officials at 18,460 under 6th CPC who were promoted from pre-revised Grade Pay of 4,200/- to 4,600/- – Rajyasabha Q and [...]
7th CPC: Pay fixation of Junior Engineers (Civil & Elect.) appointed through LDCE in CPWD
7th CPC: Pay fixation of Junior Engineers (Civil & Elect.) appointed through LDCE in CPWD from the post held on regular basis in other service or [...]
Methodology for Fixation of Basic Pay in cases of ACP and regular promotion: नियमित प्रोन्नति में मूल वेतन के निर्धारण के लिए पद्धति
Methodology for Fixation of Basic Pay in cases of ACP and regular promotion: नियमित प्रोन्नति में मूल वेतन के निर्धारण के लिए पद्धति
Date of Next Increment after Promotion/Upgradation in 7th CPC Pay Structure: Clarification by PCDA(O) – Message No. 03/2021
Date of Next Increment after Promotion/Upgradation in 7th CPC Pay Structure: Clarification by PCDA(O)
Message No. 03/2021
Date of Next Increment a [...]