Tag: Overpayment

1 2 328 / 28 POSTS

Excess-wrongful payments – Need for ensuring 100% error free pay fixation method and Post Audit of Pay Fixation

Excess-wrongful payments - Need for ensuring 100% error free pay fixation method and Post Audit of Pay Fixation - BSNL Order BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM [...]

Intimation of recovery of excess/over payment made to pensioners: CPAO

Intimation of recovery of excess/over payment made to pensioners GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE CENTRAL PENSI [...]

Refund of overpayment of pension to the Government Account – Recovery of excess/wrong pension payments made to the pensioners: RBI Circular

Refund of overpayment of pension to the Government Account – Recovery of excess/wrong pension payments made to the pensioners RESERVE BANK OF INDIA [...]

Recovery of excess payments made to pensioners: RBI Circular

Recovery of excess payments made to pensioners: RBI Circular RESERVE BANK OF INDIA RBI/2015-16/340 DGBA.GAD.NO.2960/45.01.011/2015-16 Marc [...]

Recovery of wrongful / excess payments made to Government servants: DoPT’s OM 02-03-2016

Recovery of wrongful / excess payments made to Government servants: DoPT Order summarizing few situations, wherein recoveries by the employers would b [...]
Simplification of pension procedure-submission of undertaking by retiring Government servant along with pension papers

Simplification of pension procedure-submission of undertaking by retiring Government servant along with pension papers

Simplification of pension procedure-submission of undertaking by retiring Government servant along with pension papers: CPAO's O.M. - "the required [...]

Recovery of wrongful/excess payments made to Government servants: DoPT’s Order

Recovery of wrongful/excess payments made to Government servants:- DoPT's Instructions after Court Verdict:- F. No. 18/26/ 2011-Estt (Pay-I)  [...]
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