Tag: merger of grade pay
Fixation of pay on promotion of pre-revised merged pay scales between 1.1.2006 and the date of notification of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008: Clarification
Fixation of pay on promotion of pre-revised merged pay scales between 1.1.2006 and the date of notification of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008: Clarification
Proposal of upgradation, stepping up, merger of Grade Pay for which MoF & DoPT not agreed: NFIR to discuss with 7th CPC
Issued relating to improvement of Grade Pay etc., Proposals of the Railway Ministry to the Ministry of Finance and DoP&T but not agreed-reg.
NF [...]
MACP in pharmacist Cadre in Ordnance Factory Board: CAT Judgement
MACP in pharmacist Cadre in ORDNANCE FACTORY BOARD:
"the Ministry of Defence consulted the DoP&T and the DoP&T vide letter dated 4.07.2012 is [...]
Merger of Grade Pay of Rs.4600 & Rs.4800 in PSU: Lok Sabha Q&A
Merger of Grade Pay of Rs.4600 & Rs.4800 in PSU: Lok Sabha Q&A
Out-of-turn promotion to sportspersons on sports account, in merger grade: Railway Board Order RBE No.129/2014
Out-of-turn promotion to sportspersons on sports account, in merger grade- Railway Board Order RBE No.129/2014:-
RBE No. 129/2014
Corrigendum No.52 [...]

Up-gradation of Grade Pay from 2800 to 4200 to Laboratory Technician working in O. F Hospitals
Up-gradation of Grade Pay from 2800 to 4200 to Laboratory Technician working in O. F Hospitals. Text of Order received by email from Shri Vikas [...]

Calculation of Direct Recruitment, LDCE Quota in Merged Grades for Ministerial Staff in Railways – NFIR Reference
Calculation of Direct Recruitment, LDCE Quota in Merged Grades for Ministerial Staff in Railways – NFIR Reference to Railway Board
Implementatio [...]

Implementation of CAT Judgement in respect of grant of GP 5400 to AAOs in lieu of MACPS
Implementation of CAT Judgement in respect of grant of GP 5400 to AAOs in lieu of MACPS - Regarding:
C [...]
Merger of grades – Revised Classification and mode of filling up of Non-Gazetted posts – Railway Board Orders
Merger of grades – Revised Classification and mode of filling up of Non-Gazetted posts – Railway Board Orders
RBE No.87/2014
M [...]
Railway Board Order: Implementation of Recommendations of 6th CPC — Merger of grades — Revised Classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts — Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2013.
Implementation of Recommendations of 6th CPC — Merger of grades — Revised Classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts — Scheme for fil [...]