Tag: merger of da
50% DA Merger in BSNL: Revised table for fixation of Pay as on 01.01.2007 in respect of Non-executives
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan
H.C. Mathur Lane, New Delhi-01
No. -1-16 [...]
Don’t impose income tax on DA, Merge 50% of DA into Basic Pay/Pension: NMC
Don't impose income tax on DA, govt urged
Hindustan Times JAMMU, July 07, 2013
National Mazdoor Conference (NMC) president Subash Shastri has [...]
7th CPC, Merger of DA, Removal of ceiling of Bonus etc. included in Common Charter of demands for Joint Council of Action by Confederation, AIRF & AIDEF
As per Confederation letter published on official website the following demands are included Common Charter of demands for Joint Council of Action b [...]

Merger of 50% DA effectively amounting to 78.2% as on 01.01.2007 for BSNL Employees Order issued
"the benefit of merger of 50% DA effectively amounting to 78.2% as on 01.01.2007 for the purpose of fitment in respect of the Board level & below [...]
Justification of Demand of Seventh Pay Commission & Merger of DA
An informative article regarding justification of demand of early setting up of Seventh Pay Commission and Merger of DA in Basic Pay published b [...]

Merger of 50% DA issue: Dearness Allowance as Dearness Pay – Reply by FinMin in Rajya Sabha
Three questions were pending in parliament about hot issue of merger of 50% DA in basic pay of Central Governement Employees & Pensioner. Q [...]
Resolution of 24th All India Conference of Confederation
Resolution adopted in the 24th All India Conference of Confederation of Central Government Employees held at Kolkata from 4th May to 6th May. 12 Res [...]
Merger of DA of Central Government Employees: Question raised in Rajya Sabha
Central Government Employees' hot matter regarding merger of DA also knocked the table of parliament. An Unstarred question No. 3139 by Ra [...]
Seventh Pay Commission & Merger of DA News by Paycommissionupdate
As per an article "No merger of D.A. but seventh pay commission likely this year" published by reputed website for Central Government Empl [...]
Announcement of DA from Jan 2013: Speculation of reasons for delay
After implementation of recommendations of Sixth Pay Commission the Govt. has accepted the calculation of standard formula for calculation of future [...]