Tag: House Rent Allowance

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7वें वेतन आयोग के फिटमेंट फैक्टर और हाउस रेंट एलाउंस के प्रतिशत में सुधार के आसार खत्म: परमन्‍यूज

7वें वेतन आयोग के फिटमेंट फैक्टर और हाउस रेंट एलाउंस के प्रतिशत में सुधार के आसार खत्म: परमन्‍यूज

7वें वेतन आयोग के फिटमेंट फैक्टर और हाउस रेंट एलाउंस के प्रतिशत में सुधार के आसार खत्म चुनावी वर्ष में वर्तमान एनडीए सरकार से सातवें वेतन आयोग [...]
7th Pay Commission – Increase in pay fitment factor from 2.57 to 2.81 and HRA from 24% to 30%- Clarification by Govt.

7th Pay Commission – Increase in pay fitment factor from 2.57 to 2.81 and HRA from 24% to 30%- Clarification by Govt.

7th Pay Commission - Increase in pay fitment factor from 2.57 to 2.81 and HRA from 24% to 30%- Clarification by Govt. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINI [...]
7th CPC Additional HRA w.e.f. 01.07.2017 to the civilian employees of the Central Government serving in the States of NER, A&N Islands, Lakshadweep Islands and Ladakh

7th CPC Additional HRA w.e.f. 01.07.2017 to the civilian employees of the Central Government serving in the States of NER, A&N Islands, Lakshadweep Islands and Ladakh

7th CPC Additional HRA w.e.f. 01.07.2017 to the civilian employees of the Central Government serving in the States of NER, A&N Islands, Lakshadw [...]
House Rent Allowance in the event of non-acceptance or surrender of railway residential accommodation: RBE No. 05/2018

House Rent Allowance in the event of non-acceptance or surrender of railway residential accommodation: RBE No. 05/2018

House Rent Allowance in the event of non-acceptance or surrender of railway residential accommodation: RBE No. 05/2018 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA M [...]
Admissibility of HRA during Study Leave beyond 180 days is subject to production of certificate: Railway Board clarification

Admissibility of HRA during Study Leave beyond 180 days is subject to production of certificate: Railway Board clarification

Admissibility of HRA during Study Leave beyond 180 days is subject to production of certificate: Railway Board clarification GOVERNMENT OF INDIA [...]
7th CPC Additional House Rent Allowance (HRA) for Railway Employees serving in the states NE Region, A&N Lakshwdeep Island & Ladakh

7th CPC Additional House Rent Allowance (HRA) for Railway Employees serving in the states NE Region, A&N Lakshwdeep Island & Ladakh

Additional House Rent Allowance (HRA) for Railway Employees serving in the states of North Eastern Region, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadwee [...]
7th CPC HRA, Transport Allowance, CEA etc. must be from 01.01.2016: Agenda Items for NAC Meeting

7th CPC HRA, Transport Allowance, CEA etc. must be from 01.01.2016: Agenda Items for NAC Meeting

Date of Effect of Allowances – HRA, Transport Allowance, CEA etc must be from 01.01.2016: Agenda Item No. 11 in Agenda Items by NC JCM (Staff Side) [...]
CPSE: Revised rates of Allowances – HRA, HRR, Work based Hardship Duty Allowances

CPSE: Revised rates of Allowances – HRA, HRR, Work based Hardship Duty Allowances

3rd Pay Revision of Board level and below Board level Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors of CPSEs W.E.F 01/01/2017 decision on allowances other [...]
7th CPC: Railway Board House Rent Allowance Order RBE No. 71/2017

7th CPC: Railway Board House Rent Allowance Order RBE No. 71/2017

7th CPC: Railway Board House Rent Allowance Order GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) S.No.PC-VII / 24 No. E(P&A)II-20 [...]
Criteria for Classification of Cities for House Rent Allowance

Criteria for Classification of Cities for House Rent Allowance

Criteria for Classification of Cities for House Rent Allowance GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO: 926 ANS [...]
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