Tag: Grade pay of SO

Revision of pension w.e.f. 1.1.2006 of Pre-2006 pensioners who retired from the 5th CPC scale of Rs. 6500-10500/- DoP&PW O.M
Revision of pension w.e.f. 1.1.2006 of Pre-2006 pensioners who retired from the 5th CPC scale of Rs. 6500-10500/- DoP&PW O.M
No. 38/33/12-P [...]

7th CPC Pay Fixation on Grant of GP of Rs. 5400 (Level-9) to SPS on completion of 4 years in GP 4800: Clarification by DoE/DoPT via CGDA
7th CPC Pay Fixation on Grant of GP of Rs. 5400 (Level-9) to SPS on completion of 4 years in GP 4800: Clarification by DoE via CGDA

7th CPC – Non-functional scale to Group ‘B’ Officers of Organised Service after completion of 4 years, Procedure, Pay Fixation, Illustration: Railway Board Order
Non-functional scale to Group ‘B’ Officers of Organised Service after completion of 4 years, Procedure, Pay Fixation, Illustration: Railway Board Or [...]

Implementation of Judgment to grant GP Rs. 5400/- who were granted GP Rs. 4800/- due to ACP/MACP Scheme: Fin Min Order
Implementation of Judgment to grant GP Rs. 5400/- who were granted GP Rs. 4800/- due to ACP/MACP Scheme
Most Immediate
Court Matter
By FAX/Speed [...]
Re-fixation of Pay in the upgraded pay scales from pre-revised scale of Rs. 6500-10500/7450-11500 to Rs.7450-11500/7500-12000): Sharing of CAT PB Judgement by Railway Board
Re-fixation of Pay in the upgraded pay scales from pre-revised scale of Rs. 6500-10500/7450-11500 to Rs.7450-11500/7500-12000): Sharing of CAT PB Jud [...]

MACP in Promotional Hierarchy – GP 4800 & 5400 to all Sr Accountant – Demand for end of discrimination in view of Govt Orders & Judicial verdicts
MACP in Promotional Hierarchy - GP 4800 & 5400 to Sr Accountant - Demand for end of discrimination in view of Govt Orders & Judicial verdict [...]

Grant of entry pay to Assistant Section Officers of CSS promoted on or after 01.01.2006: DoPT
Grant of entry pay to Assistant Section Officers of CSS promoted on or after 01.01.2006: DoPT
F. No.9/7/2013-CS.I(A)
Government of I [...]

6th CPC Entry Pay on Promotion as AAO: Implementation of CAT Order in respect of educationists AAOs
6th CPC Entry Pay on Promotion as AAO: Implementation of CAT Order in respect of educationists AAOs
No. A-60015/1/2017/MF.CGA(A)/NGE/CPGRAM/474&nb [...]

Grant of entry pay to the promotee SO(A)/ AAO as applicable to direct recruits under 6th CPC w.e.f. 01.01.2006 in the GP of Rs. 4800/-
Grant of entry pay to the promotee SO(A)/ AAO as applicable to direct recruits under 6th CPC w.e.f. 01.01.2006 in the GP of Rs. 4800/-
Office of t [...]

7th CPC Recommendation – Parameters to grant of GP 5400 i.e. Level 9 to Assistant Accounts Officer of CCAS
7th CPC Recommendation - Parameters to grant of GP 5400 i.e. Level 9 to Assistant Accounts Officer of CCAS
No. A-60015/1/2014/MF.CGA/NGE/7th CPC [...]