Tag: FR 15(a)
Fixation of pay on promotion to regular JAG after officiating appointment in JAG(Ad-hoc): Railway Board Order
Fixation of pay on promotion to regular JAG after officiating appointment in JAG(Ad-hoc): Railway Board Order dated 12.06.2023
Pay protection due to joining to a post in lower level in Central Government from State Govt/High Court: Clarification by Railway Board
Pay protection due to joining from a post in higher level in State Government/High Court to a post in lower level in Central Government- clarification [...]
Pay Fixation โ Information Document by DoPT reg Promotion, transfer to a lower post, Officiating Pay and Stepping up of Pay
Pay Fixation - Information Document by DoPT reg Promotion, transfer to a lower post, Officiating Pay and Stepping up of Pay
(Updated on 13.09.20 [...]
Clarification regarding Pass entitlement in cases of posting/transfer with Pay Protection: RBE No. 05/2022
Clarification regarding Pass entitlement in cases of posting/transfer with Pay Protection to posts in lower Scale of Pay/Pay Level
RBE No.05/2022
เคญเคพ [...]
Fixation of Pay on transfer to a lower post and subsequently promoted to higher post โ Clarification with Illustrations : Railway Board RBE No. 12/2020
Fixation of Pay on transfer to a lower post and subsequently promoted to higher post โ Clarification with Illustrations : Railway Board RBE No. 12/202 [...]
Request for transfer to lower posts under the provision of F.R. 15(a) -Guidelines & Illustration: Deptt of Posts
F.R.15 (a) The President may transfer Government servant from one post to another provided that except- (1) on account of inefficiency or misbehavior, [...]
Fixation of Pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR-15(a): Agenda Item 47th NC(JCM) Meeting
Fixation of Pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR-15(a): Agenda Item 47th NC(JCM) Meeting
[Part of the Minutes of t [...]
7th CPC Fixation of Pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a): Clarification by DoPT OM dated 31.03.2017
7th CPC Fixation of Pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a): Clarification by DoPT OM dated 31.03.2017
No.12/1/2 [...]
Transfer to lower post under FR 15(a) : DoPT Order
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel,Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi [...]
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