Tag: Excel Tips
Dearness Allowance Arrears Calculation in Excel
Click here to see easy to understand procedure to prepare Dearness Allowance Arrears Statement for your office/section/Unit:
Dearness Allowance Arre [...]
Office 2007 EXCEL WORD Shortcut and function keys
Excel shortcut
and function keys
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The following lists contain CTRL combination
shortcut keys, function keys, and some other common shortcut [...]

Computer Shortcut and special Character
Right click on images and save/open/print these useful tips
Excel Tips: Enter multiple lines in a cell of Excel Worksheet
Enter multiple lines in a cell of Excel Worksheet or Separate the text into two lines in a Cell
You need to separate the description or data into [...]
Convert Rupees in Words in Excel Sheet
Convert Rupees in Words in Excel Sheet
To Convert Rupees in word
Open any Excel Sheet
For Excel 2007 enable to view Developer Ribbon trough E [...]
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