Tag: dpc

1 4 5 6 7 60 / 69 POSTS
Promotion of Govt. Servants exonerated after retirement – Procedure and Guidelines to be followed: DoPT Order dated 25.01.2016

Promotion of Govt. Servants exonerated after retirement – Procedure and Guidelines to be followed: DoPT Order dated 25.01.2016

Promotion of Govt. Servants exonerated after retirement - Procedure and Guidelines to be followed: DoPT Order dated 25.01.2016 No.22011/3/2013-Estt [...]

In review DPC official would be considered for promotion if he/she is clear from vigilance angle on the date of promotion of junior

 "In review DPC, where a junior has been promoted on the recommendations of the original DPC, official would be considered for promotion i [...]

Timely and advance action in convening of DPC meeting in terms of Model Calendar: DoPT

Timely and advance action in convening of Departmental Promotion Committee meeting in terms of Model Calendar-regarding. No.22011/1/2011-Estt(D) Go [...]

Procedure for conduct of supplementary DPC: DoPT OM dated 30.01.2015

Procedure for conduct of supplementary DPC vacancies occurring due to death, voluntary retirement, new creations etc. No. 22011/2/2014- Estt.D Gover [...]

Model Calendar for the Departmental Promotion Committees (DPCs)

 Review of Model Calendar for the Departmental Promotion Committees (DPCs) being conducted by the Ministries / Departments. No. 22011/4/2013-Es [...]

Inclusion of eligible officers who are due to retire before the likely date of vacancies, in the panel for promotion-Regarding

Inclusion of eligible officers who are due to retire before the likely date of vacancies, in the panel for promotion-Regarding: DoPT Order   [...]

DPC – Check-list for Promotion Cases as per DOP&T’s OM dated 10-04-1989

CHECK-LIST FOR PROMOTION CASES [Reference: Annexure-III to DoP&T Office Memorandum No.-22011/5/86-Estt(D) dated 10.04.1989] 1 COMPLE [...]

Cut-off eligibility date for promotion and calculation of vacancies including chain vacancies

Cut-off eligibility date for promotion and calculation of vacancies including chain vacancies –Clarification by DoP No.25-10/2014-SPG Government of [...]

Eligibility of officers to be considered for promotion by DPC- Fixing of Crucial Date: DoPT Order

Eligibility of officers to be considered for promotion by DPC- Fixing of Crucial Date – Regarding. No.22011/6/2013-Estt(D) Government of India Min [...]
1 4 5 6 7 60 / 69 POSTS