Tag: dpc
Reservation in Promotion: Methodology to operate “Own Merit” in terms of DoPT OM dated 15.06.2018 by following the practice adopted by DoPT & UPSC
Reservation in Promotion: Methodology to operate "Own Merit" in terms of DoPT OM 36012111/2016-Estt.(Res-l )(Pt-ll) dated 15.06.2018 by following the [...]
Compulsory Retirement, Reduction of Retirement Age Below 60, Re-employment and Delay in Promotion: DoPT’s clarification
Compulsory Retirement of Government Employees under FR 56(j), proposal of reduction of retirement age below 60 years, re-employment as a measure and t [...]
Instructions: Procedure to be followed for promotion by DPC to implement Cadre Restructuring of General Line Cadre Posts
Instructions: Procedure to be followed for promotion by DPC to implement Cadre Restructuring of General Line Cadre Posts
No. X-20-24/2019-SPN-II
Group “C” Promotion Process Reforms in Railway- Modification of vacancy anticipation period and panel initiation frequency: RBE 190/2018
Group "C" Promotion Process Reforms in Railway - Modification of vacancy anticipation period and panel initiation frequency
RBE 190/2018
भारत स [...]
Promotion of Government servants found fit by review DPC after retirement – Fixation of Pay: DoP&T order dated 15.11.2018
Promotion of Government servants found fit by review DPC after retirement - Fixation of Pay: DoP&T order dated 15.11.2018
F. No. 22011/3/20 [...]
Reservation in Promotion – Implementation of Supreme Court Order dated 05.06.2018 – DoPT Order to carry out promotion
Reservation in Promotion : No ban, carry out promotions in accordance with the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court based on existing seniorit [...]
Model Calendar for DPCs – Relevant year up to which APARs are to be considered and Model Calendar for conducting DPCs: DoPT Order
Model Calendar for DPCs - Relevant year up to which APARs are to be considered and Model Calendar for conducting DPCs: DoPT Order
No. 2201 1/4/2013 [...]
Instructions on sealed cover procedure – Clarification by DoP&T OM dated 19.01.2017
Instructions on sealed cover procedure – where Government servant has been acquitted but appeal is contemplated/pending -clarification by DoP&T OM [...]
Effect of Penalties on Promotion – Role of Department Promotion Committee: Guidelines by DoPT Order dated 21.11.2016
Effect of Penalties on Promotion - Role of Department Promotion Committee: Guidelines by DoPT Order dated 21.11.2016
Gove [...]
Timely and advance action in convening of Departmental Promotion Committee meeting in terms of Model Calendar
Timely and advance action in convening of Departmental Promotion Committee meeting in terms of Model Calendar: DoPT instructions
NO. 22011/1/2011-E [...]