Tag: DA from Jul 2020

1 2 3 10 / 25 POSTS
Arrears of DA/DR frozen during COVID-19 were not considered feasible to release कोविड-19 के दौरान रोके गए डीए/डीआर के बकाया भुगतान को जारी करना व्यवहार्य नहीं 

Arrears of DA/DR frozen during COVID-19 were not considered feasible to release कोविड-19 के दौरान रोके गए डीए/डीआर के बकाया भुगतान को जारी करना व्यवहार्य नहीं 

Arrears of DA/DR frozen during COVID-19 were not considered feasible to release कोविड-19 के दौरान रोके गए डीए/डीआर के बकाया भुगतान को जारी करना व्यवहा [...]
Release of 18 months DA withheld during COVID कोविड के दौरान रोके गए 18 महीने के महंगाई भत्ते को जारी किया जाना: Latest updates

Release of 18 months DA withheld during COVID कोविड के दौरान रोके गए 18 महीने के महंगाई भत्ते को जारी किया जाना: Latest updates

Release of 18 months DA withheld during COVID कोविड के दौरान रोके गए 18 महीने के महंगाई भत्ते को जारी किया जाना: Latest updates Rajya Sabha Q&A dt [...]
Release of DA Arrears to Central Government Employees and Pensioners: Latest update as on 13.03.2023

Release of DA Arrears to Central Government Employees and Pensioners: Latest update as on 13.03.2023

Release of DA Arrears to Central Government Employees and Pensioners: Latest update as on 13.03.2023 Government of India Ministry of Finance Depa [...]
Release of arrears of Dearness Relief of 18 months to pensioners due from 01.01.2020, 01.07.2020 & 01.01.2021

Release of arrears of Dearness Relief of 18 months to pensioners due from 01.01.2020, 01.07.2020 & 01.01.2021

Release of arrears of Dearness Relief of 18 months to pensioners due from 01.01.2020, 01.07.2020 & 01.01.2021 Government of India Ministry of Fi [...]
18-months DA arrears issue likely to be taken up in November: Zee News

18-months DA arrears issue likely to be taken up in November: Zee News

18-months DA arrears issue likely to be taken up in November: Zee News, is one of India's leading media, is reporting regarding payment of arrear of f [...]
केन्द्रीय कर्मचारियों एवं पेंशनरों के लिए महंगाई भत्ता और महंगाई राहत के 18 महीने के बकाये के भुगतान की संभावना

केन्द्रीय कर्मचारियों एवं पेंशनरों के लिए महंगाई भत्ता और महंगाई राहत के 18 महीने के बकाये के भुगतान की संभावना

केन्द्रीय कर्मचारियों एवं पेंशनरों के लिए महंगाई भत्ता और महंगाई राहत के 18 महीने के बकाये के भुगतान की संभावना कोविड महामारी के दौरान रोके गये केन्द [...]
Leave Encashment and Gratuity for CPSEs pensioners who retired between January 2020 and June 2021: DPE OM

Leave Encashment and Gratuity for CPSEs pensioners who retired between January 2020 and June 2021: DPE OM

Leave Encashment and Gratuity for CPSEs pensioners who retired between January 2020 and June 2021: DPE OM W-02/0029/2021-DPE (WC)-GL-X/21 Government [...]
Leave Encashment and Gratuity for pensioners who retired between January 2020 and June 2021: Fin Min OM dated 07.09.2021

Leave Encashment and Gratuity for pensioners who retired between January 2020 and June 2021: Fin Min OM dated 07.09.2021

Leave Encashment and Gratuity for pensioners who retired between January 2020 and June 2021: Fin Min OM dated 07.09.2021 No. 1(5)/E.V/2020 Gover [...]
Grant the arrears of DA/DR for the period between 1.1.2020 to 1.07.2021 – One Day Dharna – Confederation Charter of Demands

Grant the arrears of DA/DR for the period between 1.1.2020 to 1.07.2021 – One Day Dharna – Confederation Charter of Demands

Grant the arrears of DA / DR immediately – One Day Dharna – Confederation Charter of Demands CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES & WORKERS [...]
Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs w.e.f. 01.07.2021, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales

Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs w.e.f. 01.07.2021, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales

Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs w.e.f. 01.07.2021, drawing pay in 7th CPC pay scales– DPE OM dated 20.07.2021 F. No. W-02/0038/20 [...]
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