Tag: Compulsory Retirement

1 3 4 544 / 44 POSTS

Strengthening of administration-Periodical review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972

Strengthening of administration-Periodical review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 No.25013/01/2013-Estt.A-IV Government o [...]

DoPT Order to ensure Probity among Govt. Staff: Rotation and Screening of officers under FR(J)

DoPT Order to ensure Probity among Govt. Staff: Carry Out Rotation i.r.o. sensitive/non-sensitive posts and screening of officers for Compulsory Reti [...]

Completion of 30 years of qualifying service/attains the age of 50/55 years: Periodical review of performance of Government servants under Pension Rule

No.25013/1/2013-Estt (A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training North Blo [...]

All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958 – Rule 16(3) — Guidelines for intensive review of records

No. 25013/02J2005-AIS II Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) Ne [...]
1 3 4 544 / 44 POSTS