Bhutan Compensatory Allowance:Revised rates w.e.f. 01.04.2012 and 01.04.2013 in respect of DAD personnel posted in Project Dantak (Bhutan)
Grant of revised rates w.e.f. 01.04.2012 and 01.04.2013 of Bhutan Compensatory Allowance (BCA) in respect of DAD personnel posted in Project Dantak [...]

Merger and re-designation of various common category posts per 6th CPC recommendations: Ministry of Defence
Merger and re-designation of various common category posts per 6th CPC recommendations-Reg
Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts
SAS passed Assistant Accounts Officer in DAD eligible for Group ‘B’ Gazetted: CGDA
Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Accounts Officer in Defence Accounts Department.
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Ro [...]

CGDA Centraliised Pension Disbursement System: Concept Paper
Ministry of Defence disburses appx Rs. 51,000 crore [...]
Minutes of the 46th Steering Committee Meeting of III level JCM Council of the CGDA HQrs. held on 18.02.2015
Minutes of the 46th Steering Committee Meeting of III level JCM Council of the CGDA HQrs. held on 18.02.2015:-
Air tickets are to be purchased from authorized travel agents only: CGDA
Air tickets are to be purchased from authorized travel agents only: CGDA
Controller General of Defence Accounts,
Ulan Batar Road, Palam , Del [...]
Reimbursement of IRCTC Tour Package or Shortest Route Fare on LTC: Clarification
"Whether LTC claims on account of IRCTC packages are to be restricted to the shortest route from HQrs to the declared place of visit or the entire t [...]
Restoration of pay fixation benefit of 3% on promotion from the post of SO(A) to AAO during the period 01.01.2006 to 29.08.2008: CGDA Order
Restoration of pay fixation benefit of 3% on promotion from the post of SO(A) to AAO during the period 01.01.2006 to 29.08.2008 in view of Hon'ble CA [...]
Enhancement of EDP Allowance by 25% everytime DA payable on the revised pay structure goes up by 50%
Enhancement of EDP Allowance by 25% everytime DA payable on the revised pay structure goes up by 50% - CGDA Orders
Office of the Controller Ge [...]
Clarification on definition of Hometown LTC by CGDA
Clarification on definition of Hometown LTC - Areas falling within Urban Agglomeration of a city but within different districts may be termed as [...]