Tag: CCS (RP) Rules 2016

1 2 3 4 5 14 30 / 140 POSTS
Stepping up of pay cases arisen on grant of next increment to junior: Clarification of DoE vide Railway Board RBE No. 103/2022

Stepping up of pay cases arisen on grant of next increment to junior: Clarification of DoE vide Railway Board RBE No. 103/2022

Stepping up of pay cases arisen on grant of next increment to junior: Clarification of DoE vide Railway Board RBE No. 103/2022 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (भ [...]
Date of next increment under Rule 10 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 — Clarifications for considering 180 days as 6 months and treatment of Dies-non period

Date of next increment under Rule 10 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 — Clarifications for considering 180 days as 6 months and treatment of Dies-non period

Date of next increment under Rule 10 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 — Clarifications for considering 180 days as 6 months and tre [...]
Stepping up of Pay of Seniors in comparison to Pay of Juniors: PCDA(O) Message dated 27.07.2022 with claim form 

Stepping up of Pay of Seniors in comparison to Pay of Juniors: PCDA(O) Message dated 27.07.2022 with claim form 

Stepping up of Pay of Seniors in comparison to Pay of Juniors: PCDA(O) Message dated 27.07.2022 with claim form Message on Website Subject : Stepp [...]
Methodology of fixation of pay on promotion to SO(A/c) AAO on account of passing SAS Part-II/Appendix-II Examinations which involves Special Allowance

Methodology of fixation of pay on promotion to SO(A/c) AAO on account of passing SAS Part-II/Appendix-II Examinations which involves Special Allowance

Methodology of fixation of pay on promotion to SO(A/c) AAO on account of passing SAS Part-II/Appendix-II Examinations which involves Special Allowance [...]
Fixation of Pay on promotion/NFS on or after 1.1.2016: Clarification by DoP&T dt 29.03.2022

Fixation of Pay on promotion/NFS on or after 1.1.2016: Clarification by DoP&T dt 29.03.2022

Fixation of Pay on promotion/NFS of PSs of CSSS on or after 1.1.2016, who have already availed pay fixation and increment under MACP — clarification [...]
7th CPC Pay Fixation on regular Promotion granted subsequent to MACP- Clarification on point of doubt related to DNI

7th CPC Pay Fixation on regular Promotion granted subsequent to MACP- Clarification on point of doubt related to DNI

7th CPC Pay Fixation on regular Promotion granted subsequent to MACP- Clarification on point of doubt related to DNI Controller General of Defenc [...]
Clarification regarding absence during COVID-19 lockdown period: Comptroller & Auditor General of India

Clarification regarding absence during COVID-19 lockdown period: Comptroller & Auditor General of India

Clarification regarding absence during COVID-19 lockdown period: Comptroller & Auditor General of India Circular No. 18 -Staff Entt.11/2021 No. [...]
सातवें वेतन आयोग के वेतन नियमावली, 2016 में पदोन्‍नति/एमएसीपी पर वेतन निर्धारण हेतु विकल्‍प देने का एक और अवसर का आदेश दिनांक 15-04-2021

सातवें वेतन आयोग के वेतन नियमावली, 2016 में पदोन्‍नति/एमएसीपी पर वेतन निर्धारण हेतु विकल्‍प देने का एक और अवसर का आदेश दिनांक 15-04-2021

सातवें वेतन आयोग के वेतन नियमावली, 2016 में पदोन्‍नति/एमएसीपी पर वेतन निर्धारण हेतु विकल्‍प देने का एक और अवसर का आदेश दिनांक 15-04-2021 फा. सं. 4-21 [...]
Date of next increment under Rule 10 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 – One more opportunity to exercise/re-exercise option by DoE OM dt 15.04.2021

Date of next increment under Rule 10 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 – One more opportunity to exercise/re-exercise option by DoE OM dt 15.04.2021

Date of next increment under Rule 10 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 - One more opportunity to exercise/re-exercise option by DoE OM dt 15.04.2021 No. 04-21/ [...]
1 2 3 4 5 14 30 / 140 POSTS