Tag: CCS (CCA) Rules

1 6 7 8 9 10 12 80 / 114 POSTS

Guidelines regarding prevention of sexual harassment of women at the workplace

CCS Rules 1965-Guidelines regarding prevention of sexual harassment of women at the workplace— regarding F. No. 11012/5/2016-Estt.A-III Government [...]

Advice of UPSC to be communicated to the delinquent Govt Servant – when a penalty is set aside: CCS (CCA) Rules Clarification

Advice of UPSC to be communicated to the delinquent Govt Servant - when a penalty is set aside: CCS (CCA) Rules Clarification No.11012/05/2015-Estt [...]

33 defaulting/non performing Income Tax Officials prematurely retired and 72 dismissed in disciplinary action in last two years

33 defaulting/non performing Income Tax Officials prematurely retired and 72 dismissed in disciplinary action in last two years: PIB News Press Inf [...]
Timely completion of disciplinary proceedings/departmental inquiry proceedings-improving vigilance administration.

Timely completion of disciplinary proceedings/departmental inquiry proceedings-improving vigilance administration.

Timely completion of disciplinary proceedings/departmental inquiry proceedings-improving vigilance administration. Controller General of Defence Ac [...]
Modification in Discipline and Appeal Rules

Modification in Discipline and Appeal Rules

Modification in Discipline and Appeal Rules i.r.o. All India Services Officers: Rajya Sabha Q&A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL,PUB [...]

Suspension of Group A Officers of CSS/CSSS, DoPT’s approval is mandatory

Group ‘A’ CSS/ CSSS Officer may be placed under suspension with the approval of the Minister-in-charge of Department of Personnel & Training: DoP [...]

Action against subletting of Govt. Accommodation & Garage and misuse of Garage by the allottees

Action against subletting of General Pool Residential Accommodation & Garage and misuse of Garage by the allottees: Directorate of Estates Order [...]
Retired officers as the Inquiry Officers: Procedure of Empanelment, Rates of Honorarium & Other Allownaces – DoPT Order

Retired officers as the Inquiry Officers: Procedure of Empanelment, Rates of Honorarium & Other Allownaces – DoPT Order

Retired officers as the Inquiry Officers for conducting Departmental Inquiries: Procedure of Empanelment, Rates of Honorarium & Other Allownaces [...]

Procedure for empanelment and appointment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officers for conducting Departmental Inquiries

Procedure for empanelment and appointment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officers for conducting Departmental Inquiries- reg F.No.142/40/2015-A [...]

Imposition of penalties of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement – Determination of appointing authority

Imposition of penalties of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement - Determination of appointing authority reg. RBE No. 119/2015 GOVERNMENT OF [...]
1 6 7 8 9 10 12 80 / 114 POSTS