Tag: 7th CPC Report

1 2 3 4 14 20 / 134 POSTS
Pre-2016 Pensioners & Disability Pension: Cabinet approves modification  in the 7th CPC recommendations on pay and pensionary benefits

Pre-2016 Pensioners & Disability Pension: Cabinet approves modification in the 7th CPC recommendations on pay and pensionary benefits

7th CPC Pension Committee Recommendations: Cabinet approves modification on pay and pensionary benefits Press Information Bureau  Governm [...]

Option for pay fixation in the 7th CPC Pay Matrix Level to the Railway employees promoted during the period 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016

Option for pay fixation in the 7th CPC Pay Matrix Level to the Railway employees promoted during the period 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016 GOVERNMENT OF [...]

Drawl of arrears – 7th CPC pay fixation clarification i.r.o. employees on leave on 1st Jan, 2016

Drawl of arrears - 7th CPC pay fixation clarification i.r.o. employees on leave on 1st Jan, 2016 HEADQUARTERS EMLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORAT [...]

Whether the Government has cleared the revised pension benefits as recommended by the 7th Pay Commission

Whether the Government has cleared the revised pension benefits as recommended by the 7th Pay Commission GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL [...]

Pay fixation of SCS/Non-SCS officers promoted to IAS subsequent to the implementation of 7th CPC recommendations

Pay fixation of SCS/Non-SCS officers promoted to IAS subsequent to the implementation of 7th CPC recommendations: DoPT Order No.20015/2/2015-AIS-II [...]

7th CPC Recommendations: Increment Rate, MACP Benchmark, Modification in APAR, Performance Relate Pay etc.

7th CPC Recommendations: Increment Rate, MACP Benchmark, Modification in APAR, Performance Relate Pay etc. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE [...]

रक्षा सेवा कार्मिकों एवं पेंशनरों के लिए सातवें वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट का कार्यान्वयन

रक्षा सेवा कार्मिकों एवं पेंशनरों के लिए सातवें वेतन आयोग की रिपोर्ट का कार्यान्वयन: लाेकसभा में सरकार का बयान भारत सरकार रक्षा मंत्रालय रक्षा वि [...]

Status of implementation of 7th CPC Report in respect of Defence Forces personnel and ex-servicemen:- Lok Sabha Q&A

Status of implementation of Seventh Pay Commission Report in respect of Defence Forces personnel and ex-servicemen:- Lok Sabha Q&A GOVERNMENT [...]

Benchmark for Revised Classification and Promotion: Railway Board Clarification in view of 7th CPC Report

Benchmark for Revised Classification and Promotion: Railway Board Clarification in view of 7th CPC Report on Revised classification and mode of fill [...]

7th CPC Pay Fixation – Bunching of stages in the Revised pay structure in the grade of Assistant Section Officers: DoPT Order

Bunching of stages in the Revised pay structure in the grade of Assistant Section Officers: DoPT Order F.No.7/1/2017-CS-I(A) (Pt.) Government of I [...]
1 2 3 4 14 20 / 134 POSTS