Tag: 7th CPC Recommendation

1 14 15 16 17 18 66 160 / 655 POSTS

7th CPC Allowances: Confederation disagree and disown the statement of Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra, Secretary, Staff Side, National Council JCM

7th CPC Allowances: Confederation disagree and disown the statement of Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra, Secretary, Staff Side, National Council JCM CONFED [...]

7th CPC: Shri Shivagopal Mishra extended thanks to the Government for restoring 34 allowances

Shri Shivagopal Mishra extended thanks to the Government for restoring 34 allowances General Secretary, All India Railwaymen’s Federation and Sec [...]
Cabinet’s decision on Allowance – Discontentment amongst the Central Govt. Employees: AIDEF writes to JCM for urgent meeting

Cabinet’s decision on Allowance – Discontentment amongst the Central Govt. Employees: AIDEF writes to JCM for urgent meeting

Cabinet’s decision on Allowance - Discontentment amongst the Central Govt. Employees: AIDEF writes to JCM for urgent meeting ALL INDIA DEFENCE EM [...]
Seventh Pay Commission Report: Allowances related to Travel (TA, Camp, Conveyance, Cycle, Daily, LTC, Mileage, Transport, Travelling Allowances)

Seventh Pay Commission Report: Allowances related to Travel (TA, Camp, Conveyance, Cycle, Daily, LTC, Mileage, Transport, Travelling Allowances)

Report of Seventh Central Pay Commission Chapter 8.15 - Allowances related to Travel Other Chapter on Allowances Allowances pay [...]

X, Y या Z : जानिए किस शहर में हैं आप, 7वें वेतन आयोग में कितनी बढ़ेगी सैलरी? – सातवें वेतन आयोग के भत्‍तों की मंजूरी

X, Y या Z : जानिए किस शहर में हैं आप, 7वें वेतन आयोग में कितनी बढ़ेगी सैलरी? पटना के केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों को केंद्र सरकार द्वारा दी जाने वाले सातवे [...]

वेतन आयोग के भत्‍तों की सिफारिशों से खुश नहीं छोटे शहरों के केंद्रीय कर्मचारी – एसोसिएशन

वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों से खुश नहीं हिमाचल के केंद्रीय कर्मचारी केंद्र सरकार की ओर से मंजूरी की गई सातवें वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों को लेकर हिमाचल में [...]

7th CPC Allowances: Date of effect from 01.01.16 and restoration of rate of HRA Denied – Confederation will Protest

7th CPC Allowances: Date of effect from 01.01.16 and restoration of rate of HRA Denied - Confederation will Protest The Confederation of Central [...]
7वां वेतन आयोग: एच.आर.ए. की 24%,16% और 8% की दर सरकार द्वारा मंजूर – एच.आर.ए. अब ₹5400, ₹3600, ₹1800 से कम नहीं होगी

7वां वेतन आयोग: एच.आर.ए. की 24%,16% और 8% की दर सरकार द्वारा मंजूर – एच.आर.ए. अब ₹5400, ₹3600, ₹1800 से कम नहीं होगी

7वां वेतन आयोग: एच.आर.ए. की 24%,16% और 8% की दर सरकार द्वारा मंजूर - एच.आर.ए. अब ₹5400, ₹3600, ₹1800 से कम नहीं होगी. आंशिक संशोधनों के साथ बुधवार [...]
7th Pay Commission Revised Allowances – Cabinet approval:  w.e.f. 1st July, 17 [Official News]

7th Pay Commission Revised Allowances – Cabinet approval: w.e.f. 1st July, 17 [Official News]

7th Pay Commission:  Revised allowances for  govt employees gets Cabinet approval Press Information Bureau  Government of India [...]
7th Pay Commission: Highlights of Cabinet approval on Allowances

7th Pay Commission: Highlights of Cabinet approval on Allowances

7th Pay Commission: Highlights of Cabinet approval on Allowances 1. Number of allowances recommended to be abolished and subsumed: What was [...]
1 14 15 16 17 18 66 160 / 655 POSTS