Search query: Form 14

1 24 25 26 27 28 579 260 / 5784 POSTS
Period of preservation of records in electronic or physical form maintained by the Departmentalized Pay and Accounts Offices: Proposed draft Para 17.16 of CAM

Period of preservation of records in electronic or physical form maintained by the Departmentalized Pay and Accounts Offices: Proposed draft Para 17.16 of CAM

Period of preservation of records in electronic or physical form maintained by the Departmentalized Pay and Accounts Offices: Proposed draft Para 17.1 [...]
Formation of extended Panels for Selections/LDCEs for Promotion to Group ‘B’ posts: RBE No. 15/2021

Formation of extended Panels for Selections/LDCEs for Promotion to Group ‘B’ posts: RBE No. 15/2021

Formation of extended Panels for Selections/LDCEs for Promotion to Group ‘B’ posts: RBE No. 15/2021 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILW [...]
Issuance of instructions for non-disclosure of the identity of the complainant under “Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informer”

Issuance of instructions for non-disclosure of the identity of the complainant under “Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informer”

Issuance of instructions for non-disclosure of the identity of the complainant under “Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informer” No. 31-0 [...]
Deduction of Income Tax for the FY 2021-22: Form No. 12BB Statement showing particulars of claims for deduction

Deduction of Income Tax for the FY 2021-22: Form No. 12BB Statement showing particulars of claims for deduction

Deduction of Income Tax for the FY 2021-22: Form No. 12BB Statement showing particulars of claims for deduction Principal Controller of Defence Accou [...]
Disposal of NSP Weapon – An advisory for the Veterans: Entitlement as per Army Orders, Procedure of Disposals, Application Forms & Certificates

Disposal of NSP Weapon – An advisory for the Veterans: Entitlement as per Army Orders, Procedure of Disposals, Application Forms & Certificates

Disposal of NSP Weapon - An advisory for the Veterans: Entitlement as per Army Orders, Procedure of Disposals, Application Forms & Certificates. [...]
Entitlement for issue of Briefcase/Office Bag/Ladies Purse – Format for reimbursement : CDA order dated 17.02.2021

Entitlement for issue of Briefcase/Office Bag/Ladies Purse – Format for reimbursement : CDA order dated 17.02.2021

Entitlement for issue of Briefcase/Office Bag/Ladies Purse – Format for reimbursement : CDA order dated 17.02.2021 GOVT. OF INDIA, MINISTRY OF DEFEN [...]
Crediting back of Passes/PTOs of Calendar Year 2020: Application Form

Crediting back of Passes/PTOs of Calendar Year 2020: Application Form

Crediting back of Passes/PTOs of Calendar Year 2020: Application Form issued by Railway Board No.2020/G/Covid-19/Pass/PTO/Credit back. Sub: Credit [...]
List of Documents to be submitted by family pensioner alongwith the formats – CPAO order dated 12.02.2021

List of Documents to be submitted by family pensioner alongwith the formats – CPAO order dated 12.02.2021

List of Documents to be submitted by family pensioner alongwith the formats – CPAO order dated 12.02.2021 भारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF INDIA वित्‍त मंत् [...]
Removal under FR56(J) during the period from July 2014 to December 2020

Removal under FR56(J) during the period from July 2014 to December 2020

Removal under FR56(J) during the period from July 2014 to December 2020 Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Press Information [...]
Inviting options form SAG Officers of IPoS Group ‘A’ for their postings on rotational transfer; DoP Order

Inviting options form SAG Officers of IPoS Group ‘A’ for their postings on rotational transfer; DoP Order

Inviting options form Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) officers of Indian Postal Service (IPoS), Group 'A' for their postings on rotational transfer [...]
1 24 25 26 27 28 579 260 / 5784 POSTS