Category: Seventh Pay Commission

1 182 183 184 185 186 237 1840 / 2370 POSTS

7th Pay Panel Proposals A Gimmick: Narayanasamy

7th Pay Panel Proposals A Gimmick: Narayanasamy PUDUCHERRY: Terming the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission for Central government employee [...]

The recommended 7th Pay Commission hike will not create a boom: Economic Times

The recommended Seventh Pay Commission hike will not create a boom The Seventh Pay Commission award will boost central government wages by 23.5 per [...]

7th CPC shortcomings: Bharat Pensioners Samaj writes to Finance Minister

BPS writes to Finance Minister pointing out 7th CPC shortcomings. BHARAT PENSIONERS’ SAMAJ (All India Federation of Pensioner's Associations) New [...]
Seventh Pay Commission Report:List of Allowances (Summary) Chapter 8.1

Seventh Pay Commission Report:List of Allowances (Summary) Chapter 8.1

Seventh Pay Commission Report List of Allowances (Summary) Chapter 8.1 Summary of Recommendation of Seventh Pay Commission on Allowan [...]

Implementation Cell for processing and implementing the accepted recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission

FINMIN Order – Implementation Cell for processing and implementing the accepted recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission A-11019/8/20 [...]

NC JCM Meetings with the VII CPC and request to Cabinet Secretary to conevene meeting over 7th CPC Report

NC JCM Meetings with the VII CPC and request to Cabinet Secretary to conevene meeting over 7th CPC Report  Shiva Gopal Mishra Secretary Nation [...]

Massive demonstrations to protest against retrograde recommendations of the VII CPC

 Massive demonstrations to protest against retrograde recommendations of the VII CPC Today, in the meeting held in the office of NC/JCM(Staff [...]

7th Central Pay Commission’s Report -Serious resentment among employees against retrograde recommendations

7th Central Pay Commission’s Report -Serious resentment among employees against retrograde recommendations NFIR National Federation of Indian Rail [...]

Most disappointing and retrograde recommendations by 7th CPC: Confederation

Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers 7TH PAY COMMISSION REPORT SUBMITTED TO GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ON 19.11.2015 MOST DISAP [...]
Seventh Pay Commission Report – Bonus Schemes and Performance Related Pay

Seventh Pay Commission Report – Bonus Schemes and Performance Related Pay

Report of the Seventh Central Pay Commission Chapter 15 - Bonus Schemes and Performance Related Pay Terms of Reference 15.1 [...]
1 182 183 184 185 186 237 1840 / 2370 POSTS