Category: Seventh Pay Commission

1 176 177 178 179 180 238 1780 / 2371 POSTS

सांसदों का वेतन दोगुना करने की तैयारी Government mulls doubling salaries of MPs

सांसदों का वेतन बहुत जल्द दोगुना हो सकता है। संसदीय मामलों के मंत्रालय ने यह प्रस्ताव रखा है। यह फिलहाल वित्त मंत्रालय के पास है। यहां से मंजूरी के [...]
Actual Impact of 7th Pay Commission on Government Finances: Confederation

Actual Impact of 7th Pay Commission on Government Finances: Confederation

Actual Impact of 7th Pay Commission on Government Finances Government expenditures on CG employees and actual impact on government finance [...]

BSNL & DOT Pensioners Association: Analysis of 7th CPC Report in respect of pension/Retirement benefits

BSNL & DOT Pensioners Association: Analysis of 7th CPC Report in respect of pension/Retirement benefits BSNL & DOT PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION ( [...]

सातवें वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों से चिंतित रेल मंत्रालय

सातवें वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों से चिंतित रेल मंत्रालय नयी दिल्ली. रेलवे को 2015 में लक्ष्य से कम राजस्व प्राप्ति और वेतन आयोग के सिफारिशों के असहनीय [...]

7th CPC: Govt mulling hike minimum pay, doubling allowances and advances

 Seventh Pay Commission: Govt mulling hike minimum pay, doubling allowances and advances New Delhi: Top sources in the Finance Ministry toda [...]

7th pay panel: The silver edge

7th pay panel: The silver edge By Dr Tuk Tuk Ghosh, IAS (R), New Delhi The Report of the Seventh Central Pay Commission has received a mixed respon [...]
Seventh Pay Commission falls short on several counts: NK Singh

Seventh Pay Commission falls short on several counts: NK Singh

Seventh Pay Commission falls short on several counts: NK Singh The Seventh Pay Commission has recommended a 23.55% hike in the pay and allowances [...]

Recommendations 7th CPC for pensioners:Anomalies in Pension for Pre 2006 Pensioners

Anomalies in Pension for Pre 2006 Pensioners: Recommendations 7th CPC for pensioners: Vidya Sagar Arora's View Reward for Inefficiency I am of 196 [...]
Minutes of Meeting of Standing Committee of NC(JCM) Staff Side held on 9th Oct, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of Standing Committee of NC(JCM) Staff Side held on 9th Oct, 2015

Minutes of Meeting Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) Staff Side under the Joint Chairmanship of JS(AV), DoP&T held on 9th Oct, 2015 [...]

7th CPC Recommendations: Further Action programme of NJCA on 26 Point Charter of Demands

Action programme of NJCA on 26 Point Charter of Demands submitted by NJCA NJCA NATIONAL JOINT COUNCIL OF ACTION No.NJCA/2015 Dated: December 21, [...]
1 176 177 178 179 180 238 1780 / 2371 POSTS