Category: Seventh Pay Commission

1 162 163 164 165 166 237 1640 / 2370 POSTS

MHA for pay on par with Army for paramilitary: Presentation to ECoS for 7th CPC implementation

MHA for pay on par with Army for paramilitary NEW DELHI: Drawing a parallel with defense forces, Rajnath Singh-led home ministry, has recommended [...]

7th Pay Commission related issues – Most Urgent meeting for the National Executive of the confederation in Dehra Dun

7th Pay Commission related issues – Most Urgent meeting for the National Executive of the confederation Confederation Of Central Government Employe [...]

सातवें वेतन आयोग की वेतन वृ​​द्धि दूसरी तिमाही में, मुद्रास्फीति पर होगा असर, बढ़ेगा जीडीपी : आरबीआई रिपोर्ट

मुंबई। रिजर्व बैंक ने मंगलवार को कहा कि सातवें वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों के क्रियान्वयन से मुद्रास्फीति 1 से 1.5 प्रतिशत का दबाव होगा लेकिन इससे चालू व [...]

7th Pay Commission, OROP will add to inflation; CPI may rise 150 bps in two years: RBI

7th Pay Commission, OROP will add to inflation; CPI may rise 150 bps in two years The stubborn underlying inflation momentum is unlikely to be he [...]

Nipping 7 CPC Anomalies In The Bud: Observations in relation to Pre 2016 Defence retirees

Nipping 7 CPC Anomalies In The Bud: Observations in relation to Pre 2016 Defence retirees by AS Blog This blog post is intended to share som [...]

7th Pay Commission Matter: Circular issued by Karnataka Income-Tax Dept. Pensioners Association

7th Pay Commission Matter: Circular issued by Karnataka Income-Tax Dept. Pensioners Association:- KARNATAKA INCOME-TAX DEPT. PENSIONERS ASSOCIATIO [...]

Compulsory Retirement: Cracking down on CG Employees after 7th CPC Recommendations

Compulsory Retirement: Cracking down on babus The Financial Express Babus may get 3-4 times the salaries of their private sector counterparts, e [...]

7th Pay Commission Report – Areas which require Revision / Modification by Empowered Committee

7th Pay Commission Report – Areas which require Revision / Modification by Empowered Committee 7th Pay Commission having been tabled already, now [...]

Employees fear delay in getting 7th Pay Commission award

Central govt employees fear delay in getting 7th Pay Commission award New Delhi: Central government employees have raised concerns over announcing [...]
7th Pay Commission: 4th Meeting of ECoS held on 30.03.2016  – Railway specific issues

7th Pay Commission: 4th Meeting of ECoS held on 30.03.2016 – Railway specific issues

7th Pay Commission:  4th Meeting of the Empowered Committee of Secretaries, Government of India held on 30.03.2016 under the Chairmanship of Ca [...]
1 162 163 164 165 166 237 1640 / 2370 POSTS