Category: Seventh Pay Commission

1 123 124 125 126 127 238 1250 / 2371 POSTS
7th CPC Allowances Committee Meeting – Allowances should be implemented with effect from 01.01.2016: JCM writes to FM

7th CPC Allowances Committee Meeting – Allowances should be implemented with effect from 01.01.2016: JCM writes to FM

7th CPC Allowances Committee Meeting - Allowances should be implemented with effect from 01.01.2016: JCM writes to FM No.NC-JCM/2016(Allowance) [...]
Delay in Revision of 7th CPC Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula: Staff Side(JCM)

Delay in Revision of 7th CPC Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula: Staff Side(JCM)

Meeting with the Staff Side(JCM) on the recommendations of the 7th CPC and their implementation No.NC/JCM/2016 Dated: December 29,2016 Depetne [...]
7th CPC Report – Revision of Minimum Wage and Multiplying Factor etc., Assurance given by Senior Ministers

7th CPC Report – Revision of Minimum Wage and Multiplying Factor etc., Assurance given by Senior Ministers

7th CPC Report — Revision of Minimum Wage and Multiplying Factor etc., Assurance given by Senior Ministers: NFIR writes to PM NFIR National Fed [...]

7th CPC Dearness Relief from July, 2016: Order issued for Pensioners who are in receipt of Revised Provisional Pension

7th CPC Dearness Relief from July, 2016: Order issued for Pensioners who are in receipt of Revised Provisional Pension F. No. 42/15/2016-P&PW( [...]

Pay Fixation in 7th CPC Pay Matrix Level in the case of employees who are in 6th CPC – 1S Pay Band (Rs.4440-7440) + GP 1300

Pay Fixation in 7th CPC Pay Matrix Level in the case of employees who are in 6th CPC – 1S Pay Band (Rs.4440-7440) + GP 1300 NFIR National Federati [...]
सातवां वेतन आयोग : बातचीत से नहीं बनी बात, कर्मचारी संघों का 15 फरवरी को हड़ताल का ऐलान

सातवां वेतन आयोग : बातचीत से नहीं बनी बात, कर्मचारी संघों का 15 फरवरी को हड़ताल का ऐलान

सातवां वेतन आयोग : बातचीत से नहीं बनी बात, कर्मचारी संघों का 15 फरवरी को हड़ताल का ऐलान खास बातेंनेता बोले – तीन मंत्रियों द्वारा दिए गए आश्वास [...]
MACPS for the Railway Employees as per Seventh CPC recommendations

MACPS for the Railway Employees as per Seventh CPC recommendations

MACPS for the Railway Employees as per Seventh CPC recommendations GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) S.No.PC-VII/12 N [...]
7th Pay Commission Departmental Anomaly Committee Meeting with the representatives of the Defence Civilians Federations

7th Pay Commission Departmental Anomaly Committee Meeting with the representatives of the Defence Civilians Federations

7th Pay Commission Departmental Anomaly Committee Meeting with the representatives of the Defence Civilians Federations Meeting Notice 7th [...]

आईडीएस-2 के फंड का इस्तेमाल 7वें वेतन आयोग के अंतर्गत हुई वेतन-बढ़ोतरी में होगा

आईडीएस-2 के फंड का इस्तेमाल 7वें वेतन आयोग के अंतर्गत हुई वेतन-बढ़ोतरी और बैंकों के पुर्नपूंजीकरण में होगा नई दिल्ली: केंद्र सरकार की ओर से लाई गई [...]

7th CPC Hikes funding through Income Declaration Scheme -II: Report

7th CPC Hikes funding through Income Declaration Scheme -II: Report IDS-II to fund Pay Commission hikes, PSU bank recap: BofA-ML NEW DELHI: Th [...]
1 123 124 125 126 127 238 1250 / 2371 POSTS