Category: Railways

1 295 296 2972965 / 2965 POSTS

Booking of E-Ticket through Agent : DOs & DONTs

84/2012-2013 06-09-2012 DO’s AND DON’Ts FOR BOOKING E-TICKETS THROUGH AGENTS In order to educate people who book e-tickets through agent outlets [...]

Jobs in lieu of Land Acquired by Railway : Lok Sabha Q&A

"Ministry of Railways have issued policy guidelines in July-2010 for providing employment to one eligible member of each land loser family." GOVER [...]

Revision of Pay Structure for Rajbhasha Sahayak (OL Staff) of Indian Railways

No.36(1)/E.III(B)/2011  Government of India  Ministry of Finance  Department of Expenditure New Delhi, dated the 1st August 201 [...]

Grant of MACP to railway employees selected under LDCE/GDCE

   In response of AIRF communication about treatment of employees selected under LDCE Scheme/GDCE Scheme Railway Board issued a letter to AI [...]

Production Linked Bonus for Railway Employees for financial year 2010-2011: PIB

Production Linked Bonus for Railway Employees for financial year 2010-2011:PIB Production Linked Bonus for Railway Employees The Union Cabinet has a [...]
1 295 296 2972965 / 2965 POSTS