Category: Pension

1 154 155 156 157 158 195 1560 / 1944 POSTS

Implementation of 100% Parity in Pension as per 7th CPC Recommendation: BPS writes to DoP&PW

 DOPPW stand against implementation of 100% parity in pension (recommendation by 7th CPC): S.C.Maheshwari Secy Genl BPS seek appointment with [...]

Parity in Pension between Old & New Pensioner in 7th CPC: KKN Kutty’s Message

Parity in Pension between Old & New Pensioner in 7th CPC: National Co-ordination Committee of Pensioners Associations's Secretary General KKN Kut [...]
7th Pay Commission Latest: Slight increase in minimum wages, Parity in Pension unacceptable, New Committee for Advances, Allowances & NPS…

7th Pay Commission Latest: Slight increase in minimum wages, Parity in Pension unacceptable, New Committee for Advances, Allowances & NPS…

7th Pay Commission Latest: Slight increase in minimum wages, Parity in Pension unacceptable, New Committee for Advances, Allowances & NPS... [...]

अब डिजीटल इंडिया से जुड़ेंगे पूर्व सैनिक – डिजीटल इंडिया के जरिये पेंशन का सटीक समाधान

अब डिजीटल इंडिया से जुड़ेंगे पूर्व सैनिक  महानियंत्रक रक्षा लेखा (दिल्ली) आइडीएएस शोभना जोशी ने कहा कि बहुत जल्द डिजीटल इंडिया के जरिये पेंशन [...]
Good News for Central Government Pensioners: Aadhar Seeding & Registration Camp

Good News for Central Government Pensioners: Aadhar Seeding & Registration Camp

Good News for Central Government Pensioners! Provide your Aadhaar number to your bank now and be at ease in November every year SPECIAL AADHAA [...]
Revision of Casualty Pensionary awards in respect of Pre-2006 Armed Force Officers and JCO / ORs Pensioners/ Family pensioners

Revision of Casualty Pensionary awards in respect of Pre-2006 Armed Force Officers and JCO / ORs Pensioners/ Family pensioners

Revision of Casualty Pensionary awards in respect of Pre-2006 Armed Force Officers and JCO / ORs Pensioners/ Family pensioners: DESW Circular N [...]
Development of Single Window Service for Central Civil Pensioners: CPAO

Development of Single Window Service for Central Civil Pensioners: CPAO

Development of Single Window Service for Central Civil Pensioners. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE CENTRAL PEN [...]

Delinking of revised pension from qualifying service of 33 years i.r.o. absorbee pensioners: CPAO’s instructions

Delinking of revised pension from qualifying service of 33 years i.r.o. absorbee pensioners: CPAO's instructions GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF F [...]

28th SCOVA meeting- Rescheduling of Date and Time

28th SCOVA meeting under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP)- Rescheduling of Date and Time  F.No. 42/05/2016-P&PW(G) Government of India [...]
1 154 155 156 157 158 195 1560 / 1944 POSTS