Category: One Rank One Pension

1 27 28 29 30 31 40 290 / 399 POSTS

Can govt get away with 80% of OROP?

Can govt get away with 80% of OROP? - Hindustan Times What is the current position on implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP)? The government’s [...]

For One Rank One Pension, war veterans to march on Delhi: The Times of India

For OROP, war veterans to march on Delhi: Ajay Sura,TNN  CHANDIGARH: More than 10,000 restless ex-servicemen from across the country will hol [...]

One Rank One Pension – IESM announces Maha Rally on 1.2.2015 at Jantar Mantar

 One Rank One Pension – IESM announces Maha Rally on 1.2.2015 at Jantar Mantar IESM ANNOUNCES MAHA RALLY ON 01.02.2015 AT JANTAR MANTAR FOR O.R. [...]
Subramanian Swamy raises one-rank one-pension issue with Manohar Parrikar

Subramanian Swamy raises one-rank one-pension issue with Manohar Parrikar

 NEW DELHI: Seeking justice for ex-servicemen, BJP leader Subramanian Swamy today met Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar and raised the issue of [...]

‘One rank, one pension’ scheme before next Budget: Parrikar

‘One rank, one pension’ scheme before next Budget: Parrikar The Tribune, Panaji, December 26 Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar today said the ‘one [...]

Parrikar Asks MoD Officials to Evolve A Policy for Reducing Court Cases on Pensions

Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Defence 25-December-2014 16:42 IST Parrikar Asks MoD Officials to Evolve A Policy for Re [...]

One Rank One Pension Scheme for Armed Forces still on paper

New pension scheme for armed forces still on paper: Deccan Herald Though the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government has allocated Rs 1,000 c [...]

One rank one pension: Good news on its way Read : One India News

For many ex-servicemen the wait has been a long one. Their demand and fight for One Rank One Pension will become a reality soon. Sources tell OneIndi [...]

One Rank One Pension promise in peril? – Times of India Article

One Rank One Pension promise in peril? Nalin Mehta,TNN | Dec 14, 2014, 06.18 AM IST Military veterans claim babus are thwarting PM Modi's poll pl [...]

Unending wait for one rank, one pension: Lt Gen Harwant Singh (retd), Hindustan Times

Unending wait for one rank, one pension Lt Gen Harwant Singh (retd), Hindustan Times   Chandigarh, December 04, 2014 The government’s dilly-dal [...]
1 27 28 29 30 31 40 290 / 399 POSTS