Category: DoPT Order

1 120 121 122 123 124 132 1220 / 1311 POSTS

Inclusion of eligible officers who are due to retire before the likely date of vacancies, in the panel for promotion-Regarding

Inclusion of eligible officers who are due to retire before the likely date of vacancies, in the panel for promotion-Regarding: DoPT Order   [...]

Posting of Government employees who have differently abled dependents – reg

Posting of Government employees who have differently abled dependents – DoPT Order No.42011/3/2014-Estt.(Res.) Government of India Ministry of Pe [...]

Posting of Information relating to Working Hours etc. on “Indian Government Websites”

Posting of Information relating to Working Hours etc. on “Indian Government Websites”: DoPT's Instructions No.13/2/2014-JCA-2 Government of India [...]

Status Report of Cadre Review of Group ‘A’ Central Services as on 31st October, 2014

Status Report of Cadre Review of Group ‘A’ Central Services as on 31st October, 2014: DoPT Order I-11019/25/2014-CRD Government of India Ministry [...]

Introduction of mandatory Induction Training for Probation Clearance

Introduction of mandatory Induction Training for Probation Clearance – DOPT Orders No.28020/1/2010-Estt(C) Government ot India Ministry of Person [...]

Central provide a platform to CG Employees to design and implement projects or schemes of their choice on voluntary basis

Central provide a platform "Swantah Sukhay" to CG Employees to design and implement projects or schemes of their choice on voluntary basis. Inviting [...]

Follow procedures while seeking advice: DoPT tells ministries

Follow procedures while seeking advice: Department of Personnel and Training tells ministries All central government ministries have been asked to f [...]

Policy guidelines for Extension of tenure of Board level Incumbents where vigilance clearance is not available

Policy guidelines for Extension of tenure of Board level Incumbents where vigilance clearance is not available: DoPT's instructions No.17(9)EO/2014- [...]

Early Closure of Offices on 30th October, 2014 in connection with the “Run for Unity” flag off at Vijay Chowk by PM

Early Closure of Offices on 30th October, 2014 in connection with the "Run for Unity" flag off at Vijay Chowk by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India [...]

Revised Guidelines regarding Centralisation of Cadre Management of CSS with the CS Division of DOP&T

Revised Guidelines regarding Centralisation of Cadre Management of CSS with the CS  Division of DOPT No.21/20/2014-CS.I (P) Government of Indi [...]
1 120 121 122 123 124 132 1220 / 1311 POSTS