Category: Defence personnel

1 โ€ฆ 110 111 1121114 / 1114 POSTS

Demand for One Rank One Pension for Retired Army Personnel

The ex-servicemen Associations have been demanding for several years grant of same pension which is granted to new pensioners with same rank and sam [...]

Grant of family pension to childless widow of Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Rank(PBOR) โ€“ Clarification โ€“ regarding.

No. 1(6)/2011 -D(Pen-Policy) Government of India Ministry of Defence Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare New Delhi, the 6th January 2011. T [...]

Rajyasabha Report on One Rank One Pension

Parliament of India (Rajya Sabha Secretariat) Press Release Hundred and Forty-second Report on the petition praying for grant of one rank [...]

Discrimination between GREF and army personnel

Discrimination between GREF and army personnel /RAJYA SABHA/ General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF) engineers are not governed by Army Act and Rule [...]
1 โ€ฆ 110 111 1121114 / 1114 POSTS