Category: वेतन आयोग

1 18 19 20 21 200 / 210 POSTS
One Rank One Pension: News by Live Hindustan in Hindi – Big announcement soon and Complete OROP in 7th CPC

One Rank One Pension: News by Live Hindustan in Hindi – Big announcement soon and Complete OROP in 7th CPC

One Rank One Pension: News by Live Hindustan in Hindi - Big announcement soon and Complete OROP in 7th CPC.  Defence Ministry will make a big a [...]
Seventh Pay Commission: Infact Central Employees will richer or….

Seventh Pay Commission: Infact Central Employees will richer or….

Seventh Pay Commission: Infact Central Employees will richer or.... New Delhi: Nowadays, the table of expected pay scales in 7th pay commission comp [...]
Central government is gearing up for 7th Pay Commission

Central government is gearing up for 7th Pay Commission

Central government is gearing up for 7th Pay Commission Central government is gearing up for 7th Pay Commission, Please read this news paper report:- [...]
Defence services may get better pay scales in 7th CPC

Defence services may get better pay scales in 7th CPC

Defence services may get better pay scales in 7th pay commission than other central government departments, Please read this news paper report आज [...]
Seventh pay commission will be harsher on work shirker

Seventh pay commission will be harsher on work shirker

Seventh pay commission will be harsher on work shirker , Please read this news paper report कामचोर कर्मियों को झटका दे सकता है सातवां वेतन आयोग &nb [...]
7th Pay Commission will bring fortune for central government employees

7th Pay Commission will bring fortune for central government employees

7th Pay Commission will bring fortune for central government employees 7th Pay Commission will bring fortune for central government employees, Pleas [...]

We will try to give report on time: 7th CPC – Feedback of 7thCPC & BPMS Meeting

The 7th CPC has assured in meeting with BPMS representative that they will try to give report in due time.  The feedback of BPMS meetin [...]

Seventh Pay Commission: Rajya Sabha questions regarding Expected date of report & implementation and representative of security forces

Seventh Pay Commission: Questions asked in Rajya Sabha regarding Expected date of report & implementation and representative of security forces [...]

Memorandum with 43 points Charter of Demand including Interim Relief, Merger of DA submitted to Minister for Railways

Memorandum with 43 points Charter of Demand including Interim Relief, Merger of DA submitted by Com Shiva Gopal Mishra GS/AIRF to Minister for Railwa [...]
Decisions taken National Joint Council of Action meeting held on 16.02.2015 on 7th CPC, DA Merger issues

Decisions taken National Joint Council of Action meeting held on 16.02.2015 on 7th CPC, DA Merger issues

Meeting of National Joint Council of Action held on 16.02.2015 and following decisions were taken 1. Protests to be held at each and every District [...]
1 18 19 20 21 200 / 210 POSTS