Author: Kiran Kumari

1 โ€ฆ 1,734 1,735 1,736 1,737 1,738 17360 / 17376 POSTS

CCS(LTC) Rules, 1988-Relaxation for travel by air to visit J&K: DoP&T OM dated 25.08.2011

CCS(LTC) Rules, 1988-Relaxation for travel by air to visit J&K: DoP&T OM dated 25.08.2011 No.31011/2/2003- Estt. (A) Government of India Mi [...]

Revision of Special Allowance and Cash Handling Allowance as a result of enhancement of Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 1.1.2011

Revision of Special Allowance and Cash Handling Allowance as a result of enhancement of Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 1.1.2011 No. 4/6/2008-Estt. (Pay I) [...]


Know your PENSION PROCESS ROADMAP PENSION PROCESS ROADMAP UPON ENTRY INTO SERVICE : Service Book in prescribed Format to be maintained to record eve [...]

Grant of family pension to the eligible members of the family of a pensioner-regarding

F. No. 1/17/2011-P&PW (E) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pension Department of Pension & Pensioner's Welfare Lok [...]

CCS (Leave) (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2011: Child care leave to Women employees

CCS (Leave) (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2011: Child care leave to Women employees [TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA. EXTRAORDINARY. PART II. SE [...]

CCS (Leave) (Third Amendment) Rules, 2011: Encashment of Earned Leave along with Leave Travel Concession

CCS (Leave) (Third Amendment) Rules, 2011: Encashment of Earned Leave along with Leave Travel Concession [TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF IND [...]

7% DA announced for Central Govt Employee

7% DA announced for Central Govt Employee DA ORDER ISSUED The government has hiked the dearness allowance (DA) by a minimum of 7 per cent, ben [...]

Central Govt. announces Ad-Hoc Bonus, Order issued.

The Government today announced an ad-hoc bonus of up to Rs 3,500 to Group B Non-Gaz & C central government employees and personnel of the armed an [...]
Details about Holiday Homes, Touring Officers Hostel & Youth Hostel

Details about Holiday Homes, Touring Officers Hostel & Youth Hostel

About Holiday Homes, Tourist Hostel & Youth Hostel provided by Govt of India for Govt Employee and others useful in Govt Tour, LTC and personal [...]
Govt officials may be allowed to use Facebook, Twitter

Govt officials may be allowed to use Facebook, Twitter

Govt officials may be allowed to use Facebook, Twitter Ahmedabad, September 9 The government is planning to put in place a framework for offic [...]
1 โ€ฆ 1,734 1,735 1,736 1,737 1,738 17360 / 17376 POSTS