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One Rank One Pension: Pay and Pension Grievances of Military

As per PIB Release ID No. 87037 related matter again knocked in Rajya Sabha and same reply submitted by MoD, which was already submitted in Lok Sabha on 27th August [click here to see].  As promised in previous post the full details of Lok Sabha query is also reproduced here:-

PIB Release 87037:-

Ministry of Defence 30-August, 2012

Committee to Look into Pay and Pension Grievances of Military

     The Committee chaired by Cabinet Secretary is comprised of Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister; Defence Secretary; Secretary, Department of Expenditure; Secretary, Department of Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare and Secretary, Department of Personnel and Training. Consequent to change in charge of the then Secretary, Department of Expenditure to Department of Revenue, Secretary, Department of Revenue has also been co-opted as a Member of the Committee. Chief of Naval Staff & Chairman, Chiefs of the Staff Committee made a presentation to the Committee. The Committee further interacted with all the Service Chiefs (Chief of Naval Staff & Chairman, Chiefs of the Staff Committee; Chief of Air Staff and Chief of Army Staff). The recommendations of the Committee have been submitted to the Prime Minister.

    This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Shri Arvind Kumar Singh and others in Rajya Sabha today.

Source Link : http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=87037

To see an interested guest article “Leave it to the experts” published by Hindustan Times **[Click here]**

Full details of Lok Sabha Q&A dated 27th Aug, 2012




Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state:-

(a) whether the Committee, recently constituted by the Government, to look
into the pay and pension related matters of serving and retired defence
personnel has submitted its report;

(b) if so, the composition of the
Committee including the recommendations made by them in this regard;

whether the Committee included the representatives of the three Services of the
armed forces and also the Ex-servicemen and if not, the reasons therefor;

(d) the steps being taken by the Government on the recommendations made
by the Committee?

ANSWERED ON 27.08.2012

(a) to (d): The Committee chaired
by Cabinet Secretary is comprised of Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister;
Defence Secretary; Secretary, Department of Expenditure; Secretary, Department
of Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare and Secretary, Department of Personnel and Training.
Consequent to change in charge of the then Secretary, Department of Expenditure
to Department of Revenue, Secretary, Department of Revenue has also been
co-opted as a Member of the Committee. Chief of Naval Staff & Chairman,
Chiefs of the Staff Committee made a presentation to the Committee. The
Committee further interacted with all the Service Chiefs (Chief of Naval Staff
& Chairman, Chiefs of the Staff Committee; Chief of Air Staff and Chief of
Army Staff). The recommendations of the Committee have been submitted to the
Prime Minister.
Source Link:

Full text of Order for formulation of Committee are reproduced here:-

No. 213/2/3/2012-CA.IV
Government of India
Cabinet Secretariat
Rashtrapati Bhawan
 New Delhi,
dated the 13th July, 2012
               It has been decided to constitute a Committee under the
chairpersonship of Cabinet Secretary to look into pay and pension related
issues of relevance to defence services personnel and ex-servicemen.
2.               The
other Members of the Committee will be as under:
(i)    Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister
(ii)   Defence Secretary
(ii)   Secretary, D/o Expenditure
(iii)  Secretary, D/o Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare
(iv)  Secretary, D/o Personnel & Training
3.       The terms of
reference of the Committee will be to look into the following issues relating
to :

(i)    defence
services personnel :
(a)  Common pay scale for in-service JCOsIORs;

(b)  Initial pay fixation of Lt.Col/Colonel and Brigadier/equivalent;

(c)  Review and enhancement of grade pay;

(d)  Placing of all Lts General in HAG+ scale; and

(e)  Grant of non-functional upgradation (NFU) to armed forces

(ii)   ex-servicemen

(a)  One rank one pension;

(b)  Enhancement of family pension;

(c)  Dual family pension; and

(d)  Family pension to mentally/physically challenged children of armed
forces personnel on marriage.

4.       The Department of
Expenditure will service the Committee.

5.       The Committee may
co-opt any other member.

6.       The Committee will
finalize its recommendations and submit its report to the Prime Minister by 8th
August, 2012.

(L.C. Goyal)
Additional Secretary to the Government of India

9th August Order about decision to co-opt Secretary, D/o Revenue

No. 213/2/3/2012-CA. IV 
Government of India
Cabinet Secretariat
Rashtrapati Bhawan
New Delhi, 
dated the 9th August, 2012 
With reference to this Secretariat’s Order of even number dated 13th July, 2012 constituting a Committee under the chairpersonship of Cabinet Secretary to look into pay and pension related issues of relevance to defence services personnel and ex-servicemen, the Committee has decided to co-opt Secretary, D/o Revenue as a Member of the Committee.

(Ajanta Dayalan)
Additional Secretary to the Government of India


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  • Srinivasan R 8 years ago

    The orop pension table given is based on pro-rata reduction of pension based on the actual service rendered starting from 0.5 yr which is effective from 1.7.2014. In the light of the latest GOI MOD Order on de-linking Q.S. of 33 yrs, which is effective from 1.1.2006, the fixation of basic service pension under OROP should be applied without any pro-rata reduction as applicable to their Rank based on actual term of engagement as per Appendix 'X' enclosed to PCDA(P) Circular No.555.

  • It's hightime that the the defence faculties, both serving as well as retired, should muster their courage of coviction, and unequivocally make the govt crystal clear that we can not be fooled every time by their committees and sub-committees and so on and so forth. When it comes to decisions on pay and perks of netas it gets scored even faster than melting of snow-flakes on a warm path. Why is this acumen not being displayed by them for those who have roughed out their youth for the sake of the nation? The reluctance in including sufficint reps from the defence forces and retired senior officers in these bodies smells of a rat. OROP is a genuine issue and a live problem which deserves an immediate concern lest it may graduate into a larger malaise afflicting the image of the defence forces.

  • Regretably it was not a starred question. In anycase, it is for the honourable MP's who were signatories to the questions, to realise that Honorable Minister has played with words and not given a straight forward answer to the question, "Whether the committee included representatives from all three services and ex-servicemen, if not, reason thereof"? If the members of parliament were not doing a mere lip service to the armed forces personnel constituency, and if they were really concerned , in that case they should consider it fit for moving Priviledge Motion against the Minister of Defence. Hope some one is listening !!!

  • Hon'able RM has avoided to answer the important question. The question is "whether the committee included representatives from all three services and ex-servicemen, if not, reason thereof". Presentation by the Chief of Staff Committee to the committee chaired by the the cabinet secretary and the committee's interaction with three service chiefs are neither inclusion of stake holder nor answer to the above mentioned question. He also didn't specify any reason for non inclusion of stake holders. Here, the intention of the Govt is questionable as why stake holders kept away from the committee.

  • I think OROP should have been some kind of coal block so the decision could have been quick and fast?

    • Anonymous 12 years ago

      There is no political will from our so called representative and having least interest in it, reason behind this is they won’t get anything out of like 2G & Coal Block allocation.