
Ex-servicemen Status for Retired Paramilitary Personnel & One Rank One Pension

Ex-servicemen Status for Retired Paramilitary Personnel: The Hindu

The Union Cabinet had approved a proposal to give
ex-servicemen status to retired personnel of paramilitary and central police
forces, thus making them eligible for welfare benefits being availed by retired
defence personnel, according to Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde.
“The proposal [of granting ex-servicemen status to
paramilitary personnel] has been approved by the Cabinet today [Thursday].
These personnel will be called as ‘ex-central police personnel’ on the same
footing as ‘ex-servicemen’ in the defence forces. Paramilitary personnel, like
defence forces, put their life at stake in the line of duty and there is no
problem in granting them this honour,” Mr. Shinde said while addressing the
73rd anniversary celebrations of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and at
a Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) event.

The new status would benefit over four lakh retired
paramilitary and central police forces personnel. They can now avail certain
subsidised medical and canteen facilities.
Ex-central police personnel’ from paramilitary forces such
as the CRPF, CISF, BSF, ITBP and SSB eligible will also be able to apply for
jobs in the private sector that recognise ‘ex-servicemen
’ as a trained and
suitable talent for their organisations.
The Centre will ask the States to give benefits to the
children of retired paramilitary personnel in educational institutes and jobs.
Ex-servicemen status for retd paramilitary troops – The Times
of India

NEW DELHI: In the run up to Himachal Pradesh assembly and an
eye on 2014 parliamentary polls, the government has decided to extend
ex-servicemen benefits to retired central paramilitary personnel. The move will
please 17 lakh serving and retired personnel from the forces, who were treated
like any other government employee.
The Cabinet on Thursday passed a proposal moved by the home
ministry to declare retired personnel from Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF)
as “ex-central police personnel” and extend them several benefits
that ex-servicemen from the armed forces get.
Like former servicemen, now the retired paramilitary forces
personnel will get quota in jobs, higher education for their wards and
attendant medical benefits. However, they won’t be eligible for certain Central
government benefits such as preferential allotment of petrol pumps and gas
agency as the Centre has put financial burden of the development entirely on
They will also not share the quota of ex-servicemen from
defence forces, but have separate reservations as decided by different states.
The move has come at a time when Himachal Pradesh, which
sends a large number of its men to various forces, is facing elections. And
with general elections only a year and a half away, the policy decision will
bring cheer to over seven lakh retired paramilitary personnel across the
country apart from nine lakh serving in various forces such as CRPF, BSF, SSB,
The government also hopes the move will help bring attrition
in the forces down. Around 44,000 personnel have resigned from paramilitary
forces since 2009 due to stressful conditions of work and lack of medical
Though the proposal for these benefits was made in 2010
itself, home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde announced its passing by the Cabinet
in quite a dramatic fashion. While attending a CRPF function on Thursday
morning, he said, “I am moving a proposal in the Cabinet to grant retired
paramilitary personnel the status of ex-servicemen. Paramilitary personnel,
like defence forces, put their life at stake in the line of duty and there is
no problem in granting them this honour
Four hours later, at function organized by CISF, the
minister said, “I had announced at the CRPF function about granting
ex-servicemen status to retired paramilitary men. After that I went to attend
the Cabinet meeting and the Cabinet approved the proposal. These personnel will
be called as ‘ex-central police personnel’ on the same footing as ex-servicemen
in the defence forces.”
The forces, in particular their retired personnel, have a
mixed reaction. P S Nair, general secretary of All India Central Paramilitary
Forces Ex-servicemen Welfare Association, said, “We have been struggling
for this for the past several years. We are happy it has come now. It will make
us eligible for 60-65 benefits given to ex-servicemen by states. However, this
is not enough. We also want one-rank-one-pension like the Army. We are doing a
gherao of the CGO Complex on November 21 to press for our demands

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  • Unknown 8 years ago

    All this is pure bulllshit. I have approached the state govt. authorities. they say that paramilitary personnel can never be treated at par with military personnnel. no jobs after retirement for us. no resettlement for us after retirement. no nothing at all. just pure BS.!!!

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    I don't think, this is going to be happened.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Why Govt. of India does not reserve post for ex- paramilitary person in recruitment process to other services in Govt. of India as they do in case of ex-servicemen

  • Paramillitary ko na to pension milega or na ex. serviceman status…..sab fake news hai.

  • Ajil Kumar 11 years ago

    please pass the order relating the rank of Constable to get MACP benefits as per year wise appointment (CAPF) from 1991 and after and their present B/pay and Grade pay etc.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    What are the benefits we will get after this quota? R they same with par to Ex serviceman or such spl quota?