Government of India
Ministry. of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
(O/o the Establishment Officer)
New Delhi, dated 9th January 2013.
Sub: Regulation of tenure of the officers on Central Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme – seeking Cadre Clearance for appointments to Non-CSS posts on ‘shift’ basis — regarding [Group “A” Service].
As per the Consolidated Deputation Guidelines circulated vide DoP&T’S OM No. AB¬14017/2/2007-Estt. (RR) dated 29.02.2008, the provision below Para 1.2 states that “if an officer moves from a Central Staffing Scheme post to a non-Central Staffing Scheme post, or vice versa, she/he shall be eligible for an additional tenure of two years, subject to at least two years on either post.”
2. It was subsequently decided vide this Department’s OM No. 31/20/2008-EO(MM-I) dated 09.03.2012 to make it necessary to obtain cadre clearance from the parent cadre for a shift from a Central Staffing Scheme post to a Non-Central Staffing Scheme post and vice versa as this er ails an additional two years of central deputation.
3. In this regard, it has been observed that the State Governments/Cadre controlling A thorities are giving post-based cadre clearance and if an officer is not selected for that post a d wishes to apply again, she/he has to again seek a fresh cadre clearance.
4,’ In view of above, the Competent Authority has now decided that once No-Objection / cadre clearance has been conveyed by the State Government/Cadre Controlling Authority, for additional tenure within seven years, it would be treated as a general permission for the period ra her than against any particular post. It would be treated as such not-withstanding the fact that th State Government/ Cadre Controlling Authority may have given the clearance for a specific post.
5. These instructions take prospective effect.
(Ravi Kota)
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India
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