Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
18-December-2013 17:10 IST
Implementation of Supreme Court Judgement on Rank Pay Case
In compliance of the Hon’ble Supreme Court order dated 04.09.2012 which dealt with the rank pay matter, the Government has issued an order on 27.12.2012 for implementing the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
2840 serving officers and 33814 retired officers of the Army, Navy and Air Force have been paid a total amount of Rs.347 crores as their admissible dues. Additionally, Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) in respect of 12129 Army officers, 2187 Navy officers and 5557 Air Force officers have been revised.
However, the Armed Forces have raised certain issues regarding interpretation of the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court which are under examination. This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Dr. T.N. Seema in Rajya Sabha today.
ANSWERED ON-18.12.2013
Implementation of Supreme Court judgement on rank pay case
1426 . DR. T.N. SEEMA
(a) whether the Ministry is not interested in the implementation of the Supreme Court’s year-old order on rank pay case;
(b) if not, what is the reason that despite the Supreme Court deciding with the two-decade-old rank pay case, the Ministry thinks the Attorney General has to give a final opinion;
(c) what is the reason of a wide disparity between how the armed forces had construed the SC judgement and how the Ministry civilian bureaucracy was implementing it; and
(d) whether Government will implement the Supreme Court’s order in the near future and give veterans and war widows their dues?
(a) to (d): In compliance of the Hon’ble Supreme Court order dated 04.09.2012 which dealt with the rank pay matter, the Government has issued an order on 27.12.2012 for implementing the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
2840 serving officers and 33814 retired officers of the Army, Navy and Air Force have been paid a total amount of Rs.347 crores as their admissible dues. Additionally, Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) in respect of 12129 Army officers, 2187 Navy officers and 5557 Air Force officers have been revised.
However, the Armed Forces have raised certain issues regarding interpretation of the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court which are under examination.
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