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Reintroduction of direct recruitment in LDC in Central Secretariat – Pro & Cons

Reintroduction of direct recruitment in LDC in Central Secretariat – meeting to discuss to elicit views regarding

No. 19/2/2014-CS.I (P)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
CS.I Division

Dated the 19th February 2015


Subject:: Reintroduction of direct recruitment in LDC in Central Secretariat – meeting to discuss to elicit views regarding

The undersigned is directed to say that on the recommendations of the Committee on the Cadre Restructuring of CSS (3rd ), a proposal is under consideration of this Department for re-introduction of direct recruitment in the grade of LDC in the Central Secretariat.
2. In this regard, it has been desired to elicit views of the stakeholders in the matter. Accordingly, all  Ministries/Departments, Service Associations and individual officers are requested to submit their views on the issue urgently, latest by 10 March 2015. The views may be furnished via e-mail at uscs1-dopt@nic.in

3. A brief on the issue is attached.

(V. Srinivasaragavan)
Under Secretary to the Government of India


As a part of first cadre review of CSS in the year 2003, direct recruitment to the Lower Division Grade (LDC) of CSCS was stopped. Eighty Five percent of the posts of LDCs were then filled up through direct recruitment quota and accordingly, after implementation of the first cadre review, 85% of the posts of LDCs falling vacant every year are being abolished. The remaining posts are filled up by promotion from the erstwhile Group D employees (now MTS). Over the years, strength of LDCs in the Ministries/ Departments has come down substantially from the original level of about 5300.
2. The Second Administrative Reforms Commission endorsed the decision of phasing out of direct recruitment in LDCs. The Core Group on Administrative Reforms (CGAR) also agreed with the recommendations of ARC. However, the Group of Ministers did not agree phasing out of LDCs and directed that the matter be reconsidered.
3. As the issue of reintroduction of direct recruitment in the LDC has multifarious dimensions / implications like change in work culture in the Govt. of India, E-governance, impact on Multi-Tasking Staff, UDC, Assistant cadre etc. it was referred to the 3rd cadre restructuring committee of CSS.
4. The pros and cons of reintroduction of direct recruitment in LDCs may be as under:


(i) More availability of manpower in the Sections. Presently, Central Secretariat is heavily top loaded with only 6700 Assistants feeding to 3200 SOs, 1600 USs and 1200 DS/Dirs;

(ii) Salary of a LDC is much less comparing that of an Assistant;

(iii) More continuity and institutional memory as compared to outsourced staff;

(iv) If manpower is to be increased at lower level it could be either at Assistant level or at LDC level. Direct recruitment at LDC level with Promotion to UDC and Assistant would create less problem of stagnation than increased direct recruitment at Assistant level;

(v) Quality of direct recruit LDCs is reasonable.


(i) We would be going back from the principles of officer oriented system in the Gentral Secretariat;

(ii) In the era of e-governance, paperless office and multi skilling, maintaining a large cadre of LDCs to carry out routing office jobs manually may be regressive;

(iii) The savings shown in the first cadre restructuring of CSS would disappear;

(iv) LDCs in terms of salary, pension contribution and other benefits would cost much more than outsourced staff;

(iv) There could be conflict of promotional opportunities between direct recruit LDCs and Assistants

5. However, in the absence of LDCs, a number of Ministries/Departments have resorted to engaging out-sourced staff to manage basic activities like diary/dispatch, movement of files/papers, typing etc. and there is a functional need to strengthen the institutional memory and level of commitment cannot be expected from outsourced staff.
6. The 3rd CRC has recommended re-introduction DR in LDC in limited manner with simultaneous reduction in DR in Assistant grade.
7. However, in view of increased use of information technology tools and progressively more officer oriented system there is a much less requirement of ministerial staff than previously and therefore if direct recruitment in LDC is reintroduced it should be limited in number they should mostly be utilised in regulatory ministries where the volume of correspondence/ dak/ diarizing work
is higher.
8. In the changed IT environment, the intake of 200-250 may be adequate  to arrive at the sustainable number of about 2000 LDCs and equal number of UDCs over the years with the combined strength of 4000.
9. To provide adequate promotional avenues to the newly recruited LDCs, the percentage of intake of DR Assistant may be reduced to 60% (from the existing 75%) leaving 40% of the vacancies in the Assistant grade to be filled up by seniority/LDCE quota from the UDC grade. Reduction in direct recruitment in Assistant would in the long run reduce stagnation in senior grades of CSS.
Source: www.persmin.nic.in

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