Payment of advance against the Productivity Linked Bonus admissible for the employees of ESI Corporation – 2014-15 – regarding
NO.G-31/11/1/2005 – E.III
Dated: 15.10.2015
Sub: Payment of advance against the Productivity Linked Bonus admissible for the employees of ESI Corporation – 2014-15 – regarding.
Approval of the Competent Authority is hereby communicated for the payment of advance against the Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) equal to 60 (Sixty) days’ wages subject to the maximum of RS.7000/- (rupees seven thousand only) to the employees of the Corporation for the year 2014-15. The payment of the advance is subject to the condition that an undertaking (in the enclosed proforma) to the effect that “the advance will be adjusted against the PLB due for the year 2014-15 and any excess payment detected towards PLB for the year 2014-15 would be refunded forthwith“, shall be submitted by each eligible employee. The payment of advance is subject to the same terms and conditions that are applicable to the grant of PLB and are appended.
Payment of advance against bonus to adhoc employees and those who superannuated or retired on invalidation on medical grounds or died while in service before the last working day of February of the relevant year will be governed by the instruction issued by this office Memo. No, G-31/1 1/1/86-E.11Idated 02..03-1988, No. V-37/1 1/1/81 – E.III dated 22-02-1988 and No,G-31/11/1/88 – E.III dated 10-07-1989.
The Drawing and Disbursing Officer of the respective Regional Office/Sub-Regional Office may draw the advance aqainst the PLB in respect of staff working in outstation Branch Offices also for presentation to J.D. (F)/O. D. (F) concerned.
The Joint Director (Fin.)/Dy. Director (Fin.) will honour the bills submitted by the DDO and pay the proceeds under the existing procedure in the respective Regions/Sub-Regions.
The amount of advance against the PLB for the year 2014-15 may be paid to the eligible employees by 16.10.2015 under intimation to this office. The number of such employees who have been paid the advance may also be intimated. In case it is not possible to credit the advance amount into the bank J.Vcof the individual employee on 16.10.2015, cash payment of advance may be considered on specific request of the employee to alleviate hardship.
Hindi version will follow.
Terms and conditions for payment of advance against Productivity Linked Bonus to the employees of the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation
1. All regular employees of Group ‘C’ whether temporary or permanent shall be eligible for the advance against Productivity Linked Bonus provided they were in service for the whole year, without any break and also on the last day in March of the relevant financial year. Casual/contract/extra departmental employees shall not be eligible for any Bonus.
2. The employees who were in service for less than one year during the relevant financial year shall be allowed the advance against PLB on proportionate basis, provided they were in service for at least six months during the financial year and also on the last working day in March of that year.
3. The employees drawing monthly wages of more th an Rs. 3500/- shall be entitled to the advance against PLB at the rate admissible to those drawing wages of Rs. 3500/- per month.
4. The employees who happen to be on extraordinary or half pay leave during the month of March will be paid the advance against PLB based on the pay and allowances that would have been payable but for their being on EOL, HPL etc.
5. The term “wages” for the purpose of the advance against PLB will include basic pay, Grade Pay, deputation/duty) allowances, Personal Pay, Special Pay, dearness allowances etc. but will not include other allowances such as HRA and CCA, Children education allowance, remote locality allowance, bad climate allowance, etc. and interim relief.
I, Shri/Smt./Ms.______________ _____________ _______________(Name), _______ _______ _______ ________(Designation) do hereby undertake as under:-
1. That I understand that the advance against the PLB due and admissible to me for the year 2014-15,equal to 60 days’ wages (subject to the maximum of Rs.7,000/-) has been provisionally sanctioned and being paid to me.
2. The said advance will be adjusted against the PLB due and admissible to me for the year 2014-15 and any excess payment detected at a later stage, on any account, shall be refunded by me forthwith.
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