Very Good benchmark for MACP will be applicable ACRs from 2017 onwards: Delhi High Court Circular

Very Good benchmark for MACP will be applicable ACRs from 2017 onwards: Delhi High Court Circular


(Establishment-I Branch)
No. 107/E-9/Estt.-I/DHC
Date: 27.01.2018
In partial modification of circular No. 608/E-10/Estt.-I/DHC dated
17.08.2017, it is hereby circulated for information of all concerned that
O.M.F.No. 35034/3/2015-Estt.(D) dated 27/28.09.2016, issued by the
Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, regarding upgradation of
benchmark from “Good” to “Very Good” under the Modified Assured Career
Progression Scheme (MACPS), is applicable w.e.f. 1st January,
2018. The required grading of “Very Good” will be applicable only in
respect of ACRs from the current year, i.e. 2017 onwards. For earlier years
grading of “Good” upto the grade pay of Rs.6600/- (pre-revised), will be
treated as qualifying/ eligibility criteria for the benefit under the MACP

(Shekhar Chandra)
Joint Registrar (Estt.) 

Endst. No. 2623-33/E-9/Estt.-I/DHC

Date: 27.01.2018

Source :  Confederation


  • KEWAL KRISHNA 6 years ago

    TGTs and PGTs Delhi govt school, MACP due on 12.09.2017 but in ACR in 2013 is GOOD, other is very good, is it possible to get MACP

  • Indrajeet Gupta 6 years ago

    reply gmail per dijiye [email protected] urjent pleace my 3sr masps due 15 april 2018 cr 2015-16 good.cr 2016-17 good. 2017-18 very good higy couert new delhi ka cecularNo. 107/E-9/Estt.-I/DHC Date: 27.01.2018 ke anusar milega railway emplyee hun

  • Anonymous 6 years ago

    My MACP due is on march 2019. just came to know recently the benchmark of APAR 2016 is good. 2017 is VG . 2018 pending But as per rule 3 VG is must. Is any chance to get MACP ? can i represent .If so please help me.

  • maurya ajay 6 years ago

    Please clarify me if I could make representation after expiry of representation time and if yes then please tell me the procedure .