Grant of Special Casual Leave (SCL) for the purpose of blood donation: Railway Board Order dated 28.11.2024
RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)
No. 2024/H-1/3/5/Blood donation
New Delhi, 28.11.2024.
The General Managers,
All India Railways & Production Units,
Sub:- Grant of Special Casual Leave (SCL) for the purpose of blood donation-reg.
Please find enclosed, the Department of Personnel and Training (DOP&T)’s O.M. No.13020/1/2017-Estt.(L) dated 28.12.2017 regarding grant of Special Casual Leave (SCL) for the purpose of blood donation, for information and compliance. The provisions contained in DOP&T’s O.M. dated 08.10.1956 regarding grant of SCL to a government servant who donates blood on a working day. are available in Rule 638(3) of the Indian Railways Medical Manual-2000.
2. In this regard, it is noted that presently this rule applies only to whole blood donation and does not cover apheresis donation. It is felt that the rule should cover apheresis donation as well since it will have the added advantage of getting blood components like platelets, plasma etc.
3, Accordingly, it has been decided that Special Casual Leave may be granted for blood donation or for apheresis (blood components such as red cells, plasma. platelets etc.) donation at licensed Blood Banks on a working day (for that day only) up to a maximum of 4 times in a year on submission of valid proof of donation.
4. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
(Neilam Yadav)
Director, E(G),
Railway Board
(Dr.Namita Negi)
Executive Director Health(G)
Railway Board