Healthcare Services – Instructions for Railway Employees: Railway Board Order


Healthcare Services – Instructions for Railway Employees: Railway Board Order

Healthcare Services – Instructions for Railway Employees: Railway Board Order dated 27.08.2024

रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD

No.2024/I & Trans. Cell / Healthcare Services/P

New Delhi, Date: 27.08.2024

The General Manager
All Indian Railways

Subject: Healthcare Services – Instructions reg.

With the objectives of enhancing patient satisfaction and accessibility of IR Health Services, the following has been decided:

I. OPD (Out-Patient Department)

  1. Registration: OPD Registration would start from 30 minutes before OPD timing. QR Code based instant OPD Registration is available. All OPD Clinics to have QR Code displayed outside. Those requiring assistance in registration to utilize OPD registration counter which will function during OPD Hours. Facility of online OPD registration through HMIS app is also available.
  2. General OPD in all Railway Hospitals: 0830 hours to 1500 hours on Monday to Friday and 0830 hours to 1300 hours on Saturday. Casualty / Emergency Ward of every Railway Hospitals will provide required service to any beneficiary requiring medical assistance 24 x 7.
  3. 100% attention: No patient physically present in OPD for the day, shall be left unattended.
  4. HMIS based Tele-consultation Tele-consultations reduce avoidable footfalls at Railway Hospitals / Health Units for routine follow-up, showing reports and other consultations. Tele-consultation services are mandatory.
    1. Teleconsultation Hours: 1500 hours to 1600 hours Monday to Friday and 1300 hours to 1400 hours on Saturday.
    2. All Medical Officers have been provided with a Laptop and CUG connection. Hardware for HMIS has also been provided at all OPD Clinics.
    3. Guidelines governing tele-consultations as issued by Health Directorate, Railway Board to be adhered to.
  5. Scalability: Hospital in-charges shall allocate time slots for all railway doctors irrespective of grade to attend OPD, provide tele-consultation or meet rush hour scalability.
  6. Specialist OPD: Timing of each specialist clinic and tele consultation days for each specialist to be well-displayed in RH and through link in HMIS App.
  7. Modification / adjustment of OPD timings: OPD timings may be adjusted as per local needs and Evening / Specialist OPD may be started wherever required, with the approval of the DRM/AGM on the recommendation of CMS / MD.

II. Medicines (Pharmacy / Formulary)

  1. Pharmacy Timings — OPD Pharmacy Counter timings for dispensing medicines will be: 0830 hours to 1600 hours on Monday to Friday and 0830 hours to 1400 hours on Saturday or till the medicine has been dispensed to the last person who has been prescribed medicines.
  2. Availability of Local Purchase (LP) Medicines: LP Medicines shall be provided to patients preferably within 8 hours to 24 hours of the prescription having been generated, unless otherwise prescribed by the Railway Doctor. In urgent cases the emergency ward would receive the local purchase medicine supply and dispense to the patients.
  3. Prescription Medicine for 3 months duration shall be dispensed to the patient with chronic diseases requiring regular treatment. Prescription Medicines for 6 months duration may be dispensed on specific request through consultation including tele-consultation.
  4. Authorised Local Chemist (ALC): Every RH / HU shall have a list of ALCs for local purchase medicines. Cash imprest purchases shall be as per instructions and procedure framed by Zonal Railways. Guidelines on LP of medicines vide Railway Board (Health Directorate) letter No. 2017/H/4/1/Local Purchase (E-3236402) dated 31.07.2023 shall be adhered to.

III. Vide Para 3 (viii) re-engagement of retired Pharmacists and / or hiring through GeM has been permitted vide RBE 59/2024 of 28.06.2024. Zonal Railway shall ensure that same is effectively utilized

IV. 24X7 Medical Emergency Assistance at every Railway Hospital shall be displayed in HMIS App.

V. Data Entry Operators for HMIS may be hired on need basis, as per extant Delegation of Powers (ref. MSOP 2018 Part A item 37.E) by CMS/ MDs and PCMD/CH (where applicable) with concurrence of associate finance and the approval of DRM/PCMD.

This issue with the approval of the Railway Board (DG/RHS, DG/HR and CRB & CEO).

Kindly acknowledge receipt and ensure compliance.

Encl: As above

(Dr. Arunangshu Sarkar)
e-mail: edh[@]rb[.]railnet[.]gov[.]in

(Pranav Kumar mallick)
e-mail: pranav[.]mallick[@]nic[.]in

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