Irregular finalization of Group ‘B’ (Gazetted) selections against 70% quota for non-safety posts by the Zonal Railways etc: Minutes of PNM Meeting


Irregular finalization of Group ‘B’ (Gazetted) selections against 70% quota for non-safety posts by the Zonal Railways etc: Minutes of PNM Meeting

Irregular finalization of Group ‘B’ (Gazetted) selections against 70% quota for non-safety posts by the Zonal Railways etc: Minutes of PNM Meeting with NFIR held on 25.06.2024 Order dated 21.08.2024


No. 2024/E(LR&M)/NM 1-6

New Delhi, dated: 21.08.2024

The General Secretary,
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi-110055.

Dear Sir,

Sub: Minutes of the separate meeting of Federation (NFIR) with DG (HR) held on 25.06.2024 on PNM/ NFIR Item No. 41/2018 regarding Irregular finalization of Group ‘B’ (Gazetted) selections against 70% quota for non-safety posts by the Zonal Railways etc., – Railway Board’s intervention- requested.


Minutes of the separate meeting held on 25.06.2024 on the above mentioned subject is sent herewith for your information and record.

Yours faithfully,

D.A.: As above.

(Hem Chander)
Jt. Director Estt. (IR)
Railway Board

Minutes of the separate meeting of Federation (NFIR) with DG (HR) held on 25.06.2024 on PNM/ NFIR Item No. 41/2018 regarding Irregular finalization of Group ‘B’ (Gazetted) selections against 70% quota for non-safety posts by the Zonal Railways etc., – Railway Board’s intervention- requested.

The following Officers and representatives of NFIR attended the meeting:

Official Side NFIR
1. Shri Naveen Gulati, DG(HR)
2. Smt. Pramila H. Bhargava, AM(Staff)
3. Shri Manoj Kumar, EDE(Resv.)
4. Ms. Pallavi Goswami, DE(GC)
5. Shri Hem Chander, JDOECMIR
1. Shri Guman Singh, President
2. Shri M. Raghavaiah, General Secretary

Federation (NFIR) stated that details of the selection of subject PNM Item may be called from NWR and the issue may be examined in the proper perspective of the rules.

2. The Official Side mentioned that 06 general category candidates secured qualifying marks but none of the ST candidate secured qualifying marks. Thereafter, 06 ST employees were called for viva against 01 reserved vacancy by invoking ‘best amongst failure Scheme’ as a provision of relaxed standard of 10% relaxation in written examination is not available in promotion of Group ‘B’ posts against 70% selection. There were no irregularities in the selection as such.

3. However, the issue will be re-examined as per rules and reply shall be sent to NFIR accordingly.


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