Payment of OTA to SS (Station Superintendent) categories of Operating Department: Clarification by Railway Board


Payment of OTA to SS (Station Superintendent) categories of Operating Department: Clarification by Railway Board

Payment of OTA to SS (Station Superintendent) categories of Operating Department over East Coast Railway: Clarification by Railway Board  dated 14.02.2024

(भारत सरकार) Government of India
(रेल मंत्रालय) Ministry of Railways 
(रेलवे बोर्ड) Railway Board


New Delhi, dated:-14 .02.2024

The General Manager (P),
East Coast Railway,

Sub: -Payment of OTA to SS (Station Superintendent) categories of Operating Department over East Coast Railway-Regarding.

Ref: East Const Railway’s DO Letter No.ECoR/HQ/Pers/IRM/PT-VI/55 dated 19.09.2022 and 20.09.2022

Please refer your Railway’s letter dated 19.09.2022 and 20.09.2022 wherein a clarification as to whether Overtime Allowance to Station Superintendent (SS) in GP-4600/- working in continuous in roster duty is permissible or not, has been sought.

2. The matter has been examined in Board’s office. It is pointed out that as per extant instructions as contained in Railway Servants (HOER) 2005, those Railway Servants who are employed on duty having supervisory character/role are not eligible for OTA, as they are comparatively free to adjust his hours of duty or work during such hours by the virtue of the nature of his work and position. However, it is clarified that the eligible cases for grant of OTA for such staff working on supervisory post (Station Superintendent (SS) in GP-4600/- in the instant case) may be examined and considered in terms of Board’s letter No. E(LL) 84/FIER/1-27 dated 30.11.1984.

3. East Coast Railway is, therefore, advised to take suitable action accordingly.

(M.K. Meena)
Joint Director/Estt (L.L.)
Railway Board

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