Railway Passes/PTOs – Standardization of documents required for inclusion of family members/ dependent relatives, etc: RBE No. 114/2023


Railway Passes/PTOs – Standardization of documents required for inclusion of family members/ dependent relatives, etc: RBE No. 114/2023

Railway Passes/PTOs – Standardization of documents required for inclusion of family members/ dependent relatives, etc: RBE No. 114/2023 dated 02.11.2023

RBE No.114/2023

(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD)

No. 2023/E(W)/01/08/1

New Delhi, dated 02.11.2023

The General Managers/DGs/CAOs (P) ,
All Indian Railways, PUs & CTIs.

Sub: Standardization of documents required for inclusion of family members/dependent relatives, etc in Passes/PTOs.

Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 24.05.2023, followed by reminder dated 13.07.2023.

Consequent to digitization of Privilege Passes/PTOs and automation of its issuance, standardization of documents required for inclusion of family members/dependent relatives, etc for all kinds of Passes/PTOs has been engaging Board’s attention. Suggestions/comments of Railways/PUs/CTIs/Recognised Federations were also called for vide letters cited under reference, for finalization of the same.

2. After taking into account the suggestions/comments received in this context, the table of documents required and the format for “Dependency Declaration”, finalized in Board are enclosed as Annexure-I & II for use on entire Indian Railways.

3. Pass Issuing Authorities (PIA) are advised to demand only the documents as stipulated in the Annexure and not insist on production of other document(s) which might have been in use in the past. However in case of any ambiguity regarding the eligibility of a beneficiary to be included in the Pass, details/additional document(s) relevant to clarify the doubt may be called for by respective PIA. In such cases, after receipt of clarification/documents from the Pass Account holder, final decision will be taken within 15 days with the approval of an Officer of SAG level in the Personnel Department, overseeing the Pass Section as Competent Authority.

4. The existing cases where the eligibility of beneficiaries already stand settled need not be reviewed by calling for documents stipulated now.

5. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(V. Muralidharan)
Joint Director Estt. (Welfare)
Railway Board

ANNEXURE-I to Board’s letter
No. 2023/E(W)/01/08/1 dated 02.11.2023


SN. Purpose First time Regular intervals
1. Inclusion of Spouse. Self Declaration  OR Wedding  Invitation OR Marriage Certificate. Not required.
2. Inclusion of unmarried Daughter. Birth Certificate/School Certificate. Not required.
3. Inclusion of Son who has not attained the age of 21 years and is wholly dependent. Birth Certificate/School Certificate. Not required.
4. Inclusion  of  full  time  student  Son of the age 21 years & above. (i) Bonafide Student Certificate (BSC).
(ii) Dependency Declaration.
Each Academic Year (i.e. AY):-

BSC of Current Academic Year (i.e. CAY).


Any Fee Receipt (i.e. monthly, quarterly, etc) of CAY.

5. Inclusion of Son of the age 21 years & above who is engaged in research work and do not get scholarship/ stipend. (i) Admission letter, issued by Recognised Institution with details whether scholarship/ stipend is  paid or not with total period of engagement.

(ii) Dependency Declaration.

Not required.
6. Inclusion of Son of the age 21 years & above who is working as an articled clerk under the Chartered Accountant. (i) Certificate issued by the concerned Chartered Accountant indicating the total period of Articleship.

(ii) Dependency Declaration.

Not required.
7. Inclusion of Son/ Daughter who is a ‘Person with Disability’ (PwD). (i) Certificate of  Disability as per “Rights of PwD Act-2016/Rules- 2017”.

(ii) In cases wherever applicable, Dependency Declaration.

Not required.
8. Inclusion of widowed Daughter. (i) Death  Certificate of the husband  of widowed Daughter.

(ii)      Dependency Declaration.

Not required.
9. Inclusion     of     legally      divorced Daughter. (i) Divorce Decree/ Court Order.

(ii)      Dependency  Declaration:

Not required.
10. School Cheque Pass. (i) Bonafide Student Certificate.

(ii) Employee’s request with details of occasion for travel. No document from the Institution is required.

(iii) In cases wherever applicable, Dependency Declaration.

Each AY:-

(i) BSC of CAY.


Any Fee Receipt (i.e. monthly, quarterly, etc)  of CAY.

(ii) Employee’s Request with details of occasion.

SN. Purpose First time Regular intervals
11. School Card Pass. (i) Bonafide Student Certificate.

(ii) In cases wherever applicable, Dependency Declaration.

Each AY:- BSC of CAY.


Any Fee Receipt (i.e. monthly, quarterly, etc) of CAY.

12. Inclusion of adopted child. Proof of adoption. Not required.
13. Inclusion   of   dependent   widowed Mother. (i) Death     Certificate     of    father    of Railway Servant.(ii) Dependency Declaration. Not required.
14. Inclusion of dependent   divorced Mother. (i) Divorce Decree/Court Order.(ii) Dependency Declaration. Not required.
15. Inclusion of unmarried Sister. (i) Death Certificate of father of Railway Servant.(ii) Dependency Declaration. Not required.
16. Inclusion of widowed Sister. (i) Death Certificate of father of Railway Servant.(ii) Death Certificate of  husband of widowed Sister.

(iii) Dependency Declaration.

Not required.
17. Inclusion of legally divorced Sister. (i) Death Certificate of father of Railway Servant.(ii) Divorce Decree/Court Order.

(iii)   Dependency Declaration.

Not required.
18. Inclusion of Brother/ step-Brother who has not attained the age of 21 years. (i) Death Certificate of father of Railway Servant.(ii) Dependency Declaration. Not required.
19. Inclusion of full time student Brother/step-Brother who has attained the age of 21 years. (i) Death Certificate of father  of  the Railway Servant.(ii) Bonafide Student Certificate.

(iii) Dependency Declaration.

Each AY:- BSC of CAY.


Any Fee Receipt (i.e. monthly, quarterly, etc) of CAY.

20. Inclusion of Brother/ step-Brother who is a PwD. (i) Death Certificate of father of Railway Servant.(ii) Certificate of Disability as per “Rights of PwD Act-2016/ Rules- 2017”.

(iii)    Dependency Declaration.

Not required.
21. Inclusion of eligible dependent relatives in case father is  missing for a period of atleast 7 years. (i) Affidavit signed by the Railway Servant and attested by a Magistrate regarding the missing period.(ii) Documents already stipulated for respective dependent relative(s), except Death Certificate of father.

(iii) Dependency Declaration.

Not required.
22. Inclusion of married Daughter in Passes/ PTOs when her husband is missing for a period of atleast 7 years. (i) Affidavit signed by the Railway Servant and attested by a Magistrate regarding the missing period.(ii) Dependency Declaration. Not required.
23. Inclusion                of             dependent Brother/ Sister in Passes PTOs when step father lS alive but severed connection with children. (i) Notarised Affidavit indicating that step father has severed his connections with the step children.(ii)        Dependency  Declaration. Not required.
24. Continuance of Widow Pass facility (after demise of railway employee and his/her spouse) in favour of members eligible to be included in Widow Pass. (i) Death Certificates of railway employee and his/ her spouse.(ii) In cases wherever applicable, Dependency Declaration. Not required.
25. Higher  Class  Pass  to Group  ‘C’ PwD railway employee. Certificate of Disability as per “Rights of PwD Act-2016/Rules-2017” . Not required.
26. Issue of Split Pass m special circumstances when the railway official lS unable to accompany family/dependent  relatives. Request indicating detailed reasons with supporting documents, if any. Not applicable.
27. Issue of separate Second/Sleeper Class Pass to Attendant m circumstances stipulated m Pass Rules. Request specifying reasons. Not applicable.
28. Inclusion of Companion, as per Board’s letter No. E(W)2017/ PS5- 116 dated 19.07.2019, m Passes/PTOs issued to railway employee or his/ her family member/ dependent relative who is /are PwD. (i) Certificate of Disability as per “Rights of PwD Act-2016/Rules- 2017”.(ii) Companion Requirement Certificate duly issued by a Medical Officer not below the rank of Divisional Medical Officer m a Railway Hospital. Not required.


  1. Bonafide Student Certificate (BSC)/Fee Receipt (either original or self attested copy) issued by the Educational Institutions imparting full-time regular studies, duly recognised by the Central/State Government/ Recognised Universities only shall be valid. In lieu of BSC, declaration as per Board’s letter No. E(W)1996/PS5-1/30 dated 13.11.2000 shall be valid in respect of full-time studies in institutions run by IGNOU/Indraprastha University/Department of Electronics/any other body set up under the statute.
  2. In cases where Death Certificate is not available, an Affidavit in this regard may be submitted for taking final decision by an SAG level Officer in the Personnel Department.
  3. On the basis of already accepted documents, existing beneficiaries would be continued. No new document( s) will be required.
  4. For availing facility of Attendant/ Guardian/ Companion in lieu of Attendant, no specific supporting document is required.                                                                                          ·
  5. Family/ dependency declaration will have to be submitted online, as per provisions of E-Pass/ PTO Module of HRMS.
  6. It will be the responsibility of Pass Account holder to immediately intimate respective Pass Issuing Authority as and when any beneficiary moves out of dependency criteria.
  7. Incorrect declaration/suppression of information, if detected, will result in deterrent punishment to railway employees and forfeiture of Pass facility in other cases.



ANNEXURE- II to Board’s letter
No. 2023/E(W)/01/08/1 dated 02.11.2023


I … … … … … … … … … …… … … … …… … … … … … … …  (Name), serving/ served as … … … … … … … … … …… … … … …… … … … … … (Designation), hereby declare that the following person(s) is/are dependent on me, as per Railway Servants (Pass) Rules-1986, as amended from time to time:-


I … … … … … … … … … …… … … … …… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. (Name), … … … … … … … … … …… … (relationship      with    the    railway     employee)     of Shri/Smt./Km  … … … … … … … … … …… … … … … . … … … …(Name of the railway employee)   who   had   served   as … … … … … … … … … …… … … … …… … … … … .. (Designation at the time of retirement), hereby declare that the following person(s) is/are dependent on me, as per Railway Servants (Pass) Rules-1986, as amended from time to time:-

SN. Name Age (in years) Relation with serving/retired official Monthly income from all sources
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
@  The element of additional Pension and Dearness Relief thereon to old pensioners to be excluded.

2. My Basic Pay is ₹ … … … … (For serving officials only).

3. I further declare that if the information/documents furnished by me is/are found false, action as per extant Rules may be taken.

Signature : … … … …
Date : … … … … … …
Mob. No. : … … … …


The declaration shall be submitted by serving/retired railway employee OR widow/widower of deceased railway employee OR the eldest beneficiary eligible to be included in Widow Pass in case of continuance of Widow Pass, as the case may be.


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  • S Rajagopalan 7 months ago

    IRCTC rly pass bkg provision may be made for inclusion of companion along with 0ther passrs in upper class on paying one third difference of fare in the upper class bkg