Review the sanction strength of Track Maintainers — SSEs wise: Railway Board Order

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Review the sanction strength of Track Maintainers — SSEs wise: Railway Board Order

Review the sanction strength of Track Maintainers — SSEs wise: Railway Board Order dated 22.05.2023

भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
(रेलवे बोर्ड Railway Board)

No. 2023/CE-I/GNS/4

New Delhi, Dated 22.05.2023

The Principal Chief Engineers
All Zonal Railways

Sub: Review the sanction strength of Track Maintainers — SSEs wise

Zonal Railway is requested to calculate the Track Maintainers strength — SSE wise, as per MCNTM (Manpower and Cost Norms for Track Maintenance) formulae in the enclosed sheet. The data may be collected as on 01.04.2023, total track kilometers and other relevant parameters with division. The above details must reach in this office not latter than 05.06.2023 for further perusal of Board.

DA: As above ( 3 pages)

निदेशक सिविल इंजी.(जी)/रेलवे बोर्ड
[Rly No. 030-47598, MTNL No. 011-23047598]
e-mail address: dceg[at]

Copy to:
The General Managers, All Zonal Railways

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