Engagement of Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs) against EOL vacancies: Railway Board Order


Engagement of Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs) against EOL vacancies: Railway Board Order

Engagement of Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs) against EOL vacancies: Railway Board Order dated 06.02.2023

(रेलवे बोर्ड / RAILWAY BOARD )

No. 2022/E(GR)II/1/1

Rail Bhavan, New Delhi – 110001
Dated 06.02.2023

The General Manager (P)
South Central Railway,
Secunderabad – 500025.

Sub: Engagement of Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs) against EOL vacancies.

Ref: (i) PCMD/SCR’s letter No. MD.133/Gaz dated 01.12.2022
(ii) Board’s letter No. 2018/E(GR)II/16/4 dated 20.07.2018

Please refer to Board’s letter cited under reference (ii) above whereby SCR was interalia directed to stop engagement of Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs) against vacancies arising on account of IRHS doctors proceeding on Study leave/EOL. The decision was made taking ‘into consideration the large number of regular IRHS doctors waiting for transfer to SCR. The Railway was, however, not restricted from sanctioning Study leave/EOL to eligible doctors.

2. The matter has been reviewed in consultation with Health Directorate and in supersession of the earlier instructions issued vide Board’s letter No.2018/E(GR)II/16/4 dated 20.07.2018, it has now been decided that:-

2.1. SCR may engage CMPs against vacancies arising on IRHS doctors proceeding on EOL (without pay) on similar lines as applicable for all other Zonal Railways as envisaged in para 2(1i) of Board’s letter No. 2007/E(GR)II/1/1 dated 16.10.2008, as amended from time to time. It is, however, clarified that engagement of CMPs against ‘Study leave’ vacancies is not permissible as it amounts to ‘double expenditure’ for the same post.

2.2. Para (ii) of Board’s letter No. 2018/E(GR)II/16/4 dated 20.07.2018 which reads “whenever vacancies arise on SCR due to grant of Study leave/EOL, the Railway should inform such vacancies to Board’s office for posting of regular IRHS officers” also stands withdrawn.

2.3, The IRHS doctors who have been granted EOL/Study leave or the doctors who will be granted such leave in future may be directed by SCR to report to Board’s office on completion of their sanctioned leave so that they may be considered for posting afresh. At the time of grant of EOL/Study leave, the doctors may be informed clearly that on return from the sanctioned leave, they may not be posted on SCR itself and their posting will be subject to requirement-cum-availability of vacancies on all Indian Railways.

This issues with the approval of DG/RHS and DG/HR, Railway Board.

( Kamal Kishor )
Deputy Director/Estt.(Gaz. Rectt.)-II
Railway Board

Copy to:- PCMD/South Central Railway – for information and necessary action.

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