Concessional FTTH Connections to Serving/Retired employees of BSNL: Circular No. 01/2021-PHA

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Concessional FTTH Connections to Serving/Retired employees of BSNL: Circular No. 01/2021-PHA


Concessional FTTH Connections to Serving/Retired employees of BSNL: Circular No. 01/2021-PHA

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Corporate office, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan Janpath, New Delhi
(PHA-Admin Section), Tel No:23329735


Dated:05 .07.2021


Subject: Policy for provision of Concessional FTTH Connections to Serving/Retired employees of BSNL.

Approval of Management Committee of BSNL is hereby conveyed for Concessional FTTH Connection facility to Serving/Retired Executive as well as Non-Executive Employees in BSNL Area only:

a) Concessional FTTH/ Bharat Air Fibre connection may be offered to BSNL serving as well as retired employees subject to 40% concession on plan charges with ceiling of Rs. 300/- per month (For example — a concession of Rs240/- in plan 599, and a concession of Rs300/- in plan 1200).

Concession shall be only on Plan and not on any value added service over the plan. FTTH/Air Fibre plan of FMC of 599 or above shall only be available in this concessional scheme.

b) In case of MTNL area, the existing guidelines for providing the concessional broadband only (for below JAG level serving employees) would continue.

c) In case of concessional FTTH connection, the concession shall be allowed only in plan charges and the concerned employee will require to bear cost/rent of the OLT/modem, activation, installation or any other charges as applicable to an ordinary subscriber. However, no security deposit will be required from serving employees. Retired employees shall be required to deposit prescribed Security Deposit.

d) The policy for JAG and above, serving executives may continue as per circular No. 02/2018- PHA dated 04.09.2018. However, such employees may take only one FTTH connection i.e either as per order dated 04.09.2018 or under this policy with 40% concession limited to Rs 300/-.

e) FTTH Connections already working in private capacity or availed under 10% concession scheme (as per CFA Cell Circular R&C-CFA No. 67/20-21 dated 15.01.2021) may be allowed to be migrated to eligible concessional plan if requested by the employee.

f) The facility of providing concessional FTTH connection to the spouse of an eligible retired BSNL employee after the death of such employee may not be provided in this policy.

g) The provision of FTTH shall be subject to its feasibility.

h) Concessional FTTH connection shall be in lieu of (i) the concessional broadband, (ii) existing RSTC/CTC landline connection and (iii) Bharat Fibre services availed under 10% concession scheme (as per CFA Cell Circular R&C-CFA No.67/20-21 dated 15.01.2021) and they will be withdrawn upon provisioning of the FTTH connection under this policy.

i) GSM in lieu of RSTC/CTC provided in TNF area as per this office order dated 03.01.2020 shall also be withdrawn after provisioning of FTTH.

j) Other terms and conditions shall be governed as per existing Rules and guidelines issued for serving/concessional connection for serving/retired employees.

Hindi version of the Circular follows.


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