Promotional prospects of MTS, 4-tier promotional structure for MTS: Item No. 2/19/SC Standing Committee Meeting

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Promotional prospects of MTS, 4-tier promotional structure for MTS: Item No. 2/19/SC Standing Committee Meeting

Promotional prospects of MTS, 4-tier promotional structure for MTS: Item No. 2/19/SC Standing Committee Meeting


A. Unresolved Items of the Earlier SCM held on 7.3.2019

Item No. and Ministry / Deptt.: Item No. 2/19/SC DoPT/ CS-Div.

Subject: Promotional prospects of MTS:

The Staff Side stated that 10% promotional quota in MTS grade 1S very low and it should be increased by 20%. In most of the cases the employee join as MTS and retire as MTS without any promotion.

Therefore, promotional opportunities for them may be provided.

Decision in the Meeting of 7.3.2019: Joint Secretary (Establishment) stated that there is 4-tier promotional structure for MTS, and once the MTS is promoted to the grade of LDC, he is eligible for further promotion in subsequent grades.

Chairman stated that the Staff Side has brought this issue for the first time and the matter will be considered in due course and Staff Side will be informed accordingly.

Status as on 25.02.2021: Joint Secretary (Establishment) stated that instructions in this regard are very clear for LDCE, for which the post in immediate feeder grades and other posts with certain eligibility conditions (namely; educational qualifications and residency period etc.), depending upon the grade pay of the feeder grades are prescribed. Normally residency period is half of the period required for promotion as prescribed. For LDCE being eligible for all posts in the feeder grade without residency, this provision is not justifiable. For example; for the purpose of LDCE conducted for the post with Grade pay 4200/-, both posts in Grade Pay 2800/- and 1800/-, are treated equally as per 6th CPC recommendation, if accepted.

Matter is under consideration of CS-II Division of DoPT.

Discussions/Decision on 26.02.2021: The Staff Side requested that the promotion quota may be raised from 10% to 25%. The Chair agreed to refer it to the Committee.

The Staff Side informed that the committee may consult the Staff Side before finalising its recommendations.


View other Items of Standing Committee Meeting:

Final Minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee of JCM held on 26.02.2021


  • Jyothi v 1 year ago

    The person who join as a insect collector and retires as a insect collector This is not have to take this issue to the concerned person or dept.