Grant of First/Second/Third Financial Up-gradation under MACPs to MTS/CLKs/Auditors/Sr. Auditors/Hindi Translators etc. Posts

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Grant of First/Second/Third Financial Up-gradation under MACPs to MTS/CLKs/Auditors/Sr. Auditors/Hindi Translators etc. Posts

Grant of First/Second/Third Financial Up-gradation under MACPs Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme to MTS/CLKs (including IDT)/Auditors (including IDT) / Sr. Auditors / Hindi Translators / Stenographers /Private Secretaries /Staff Car Drivers /DEOs / Canteen Employees and Asst. Accounts Officers

प्रधान लेखा नियंत्रक (निर्माणियां) कार्यालय
10-ए, एस. के. बोस रोड, कोलकाता – 700 001
10-A. S. K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA – 700 001


Date: 04.01.2021.


All Controllers of Finance and Accounts (Factories)
All Branch Accounts Offices
All sections of M.O. including Railway ‘G’ & RTC(ER), Kolkata
OFB, Finance Division, Kolkata-700001
The CIA (OFs). 10-A. S K Bose Road. Kolkata

Subject: Grant of First/Second/Third Financial Up-gradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPs) to MTS/CLKs (including IDT)/Auditors (including IDT) / Sr. Auditors / Hindi Translators / Stenographers /Private Secretaries /Staff Car Drivers /DEOs / Canteen Employees and Asst. Accounts Officers.

1. Please furnish names of MTS / CLKs (including IDT) / Auditors(including IDT) / Sr. Auditors / Hindi Translators/ Stenographers/Private secretaries/Staff Car Drivers / DEOs/Canteen Employees and Asst. Accounts Officers in the following format attached as “ANNEXURE-I, who will be eligible for consideration of first / second / third financial up gradation under MACP scheme between 01.04.2021 and 30.09.2021.

2. It is also requested to furnish LEFT OVER cases, if any.

3. Reply should reach this office/section positively by 19/01/2021.

4. Nil report is also required. No separate Hard Copy will be sent.

MACP on completion of 10/20/30 Years of Service or 10 years of service after previous promotion

Enclosure: ANNEXURE-I

Sd/- (Subhankar Chatterjee)
Sr. Accounts Officer (AN)

Copy to :-

The SAO I/C, WD Cell. M.O, Kolkata – For uploading in PCA(Fys) Website
Sd/- (Subhankar Chatterjee)
Sr. Accounts Officer (AN)


Source: Click Here to view/download the pdf