Revised Leave Rules for Bank Officers Scale I to VII w.e.f 1st Nov, 2017: 11th BI-Partite Settlement Dtd. 11 Nov 2020


Revised Leave Rules for Bank Officers Scale I to VII w.e.f 1st Nov, 2017: 11th BI-Partite Settlement Dtd. 11 Nov 2020

Revised Leave Rules for Bank Officers Scale I to VII w.e.f 1st Nov, 2017: 11th BI-Partite Settlement Dtd. 11 Nov 2020



1. Privilege Leave

Privilege Leave other than for the purpose of availing the Leave Fare Concession should be applied not less than 10 days before the proposed date of commencement of such leave.

Privilege Leave taken on sick grounds when there is no credit in the sick leave account of the employee, will not be counted as an occasion of availing Privilege leave.

Privilege Leave accruing to an employee shall be allowed to be accumulated beyond 240 days up to a maximum of 270 days. However, encashment of privilege leave shall be restricted up to a maximum of 240 days.

Annual encashment of Privilege Leave:

From the calendar year 2020, Privilege Leave encashment shall be permitted at the rate of 5 days for each calendar year at the time of any festival of the employee’s choice. Employees who have completed 55 years of age as on 01.01.2020 and above shall be entitled to encash at the rate 7 days for each calendar yeas, till retirement as a one times measure.

2. Unavailed Casual Leave

i) Casual leave not availed of in the year 2017 or in any subsequent years shall lapse in the following five years.

ii) On and from 01.11.2020, although the availment of unavailed casual leave (UCL) by the Officers in the following years shall continue to be pennitted only on medical grounds, production of medical certificate need not, henceforth, be insisted upon in case the period of such unavailed casual leave at a stretch not exceeding four days.

View: Revised DA HRA CCA LA etc. of Bank Officers Scale I to VII w.e.f 1st Nov, 2017: 11th BI-Partite Settlement Dtd. 11 Nov 2020

3. Maternity Leave

Clause 30 of Bipartite Settlement dated 27th April 2010 shall be substituted by the following:

(a) Maternity leave, which shall be on substantive pay, shall be granted to a female employee generally for a period not exceeding 6 months on any one occasion and 12 months during the entire period of her service.

Note: (i) in case of delivery of twins, the period of Maternity Leave shall be 8 months.

(ii) Maternity Leave may be availed combining with any other kind of leave except casual leave.

(b) In case of miscarriage/MTP/abortion, maternity leave may be granted as a rule upto 6 weeks on the basis of medical certificate/advice of a competent medical practitioner, i.e. a qualified gynaecologist. In special/exceptional cases involving medical complications, associated with miscarriage/MTP/abortion, maternity leave may be granted beyond 6 weeks if advised by a competent medical practitioner (qualified gynaecologist) but upto 6 months only on any one occasion, within the overall limit of 12 months during the entire period of service.

(c) Within the overall period of 12 months, leave may also be granted in case of hysterectomy upto a maximum of 60 days.

Note: In the case of employees who have availed and exhausted Maternity Leave of 12 months, leave of 15 days shall be sanctioned over and above the same, subject to production of Medical Certificate.

View: Revised Pay Scales of Bank Officers Scale I to VII – Stagnation Increments w.e.f 1st Nov, 2017: 11th BI-Partite Settlement Dtd. 11 Nov 2020

(d) Leave may also be granted once during service to a childless female employee for legally adopting a child who is below one year of age, for a maximum period of nine months, subject to the following terms and conditions: –

  • Leave will be granted for adoption of only one Child.
  • The adoption of a child should be through a proper legal process and the employee should produce the adoption-deed to the Bank for sanctioning such leave.
  • The permanent part-time employees are also eligible for grant of leave for adoption of a child.
  • The leave shall also be available to biological mother in cases where the child is born through surrogacy.
    The leave shall be availed within overall entitlement of 12 months during the entire period of service.

(e) Within the overall period of 12 months, leave may also be granted in case of hospitalisation on account of the following gynecological ailments/treatments upto a maximum of 30 days.

  • AUB (Abnormal uterine bleeding)
  • Ovarian Tumor
  • Tubectomy/Tubectomy reversal
  • Post-Partum Depression (PPD)
  • Post-Partum Hemorrhage (PPH)
  • Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (Acute PID)
  • Dysfunction Uterine Bleeding; Dysfunction (DUB)

4. Paternity Leave

With effect from the 1st June 2015, male employees with upto two surviving children shall be eligible for 15 days Paternity Leave during his wife’s confinement. This leave may be combined with any other kind of leave except Casual Leave. The leave may be availed upto 15 days before or upto 6 months from the date of delivery of the child.

Note: Paternity Leave as above shall be allowed to employees with upto two surviving children for legally adopting a child who is below one year of age .

5. Sick Leave

In partial modification of Clause IX of Bipartite Settlement dated 17th September, 1984 and Clause 6 of Bipartite Settlement dated 28th November, 1997, an employee upon completion of 30 years of service, shall be eligible for further additional sick leave of 3 months at the rate of one month for each year of service in excess of 30 years, subject to a maximum of 720 days in entire service.

In partial modification of Clause IX (4) of Bipartite Settlement dated 17th September, 1984, women employees can avail sick leave for the sickness of their children of 8 years and below subject to production of medical certificate.

View: Leave Rules for Bank Subordinate and Non-subordinate Staff w.e.f 1st Nov 2017: 11th BI-Partite Settlement Dtd. 11 Nov 2020

6. Special Casual Leave

With effect from the 1/11/2020, Special Casual Leave may be granted to an employee on occasions when the branch where the employee is working or the place where the employee is residing is affected by curfew, riots, prohibitory orders, natural calamities, floods, etc.

With effect from 01/11/2020, 4 days Special Casual leave shall be granted to all physically/ orthopedically handicapped employees each year.

7. Extraordinary Leave:

In partial modification of Clause 13.34 of Settlement dated 19th October 1966, (in case of State Bank of India, Clause 7.34 of Agreement dated 31st March 1967) and Clause 36 of Settlement dated 25th May, 2015, in exceptional circumstances, Extraordinary Leave may be sanctioned (without wages) not exceeding 3 months on any one occasion (up to 4 months in extreme medical circumstances) and upto a maximum of 24 months during the entire period of an employees’ service.

Note :– The employees will not be losing any seniority on account of availing extraordinary leave on Medical grounds.


Click Here to Read Full: 11th BI-Partite Settlement Dtd. 11 Nov 2020 – Revision of Bank Officers Salary DA Increments HRA & Other Allowances w.e.f 1st Nov 2017


  • Sreekala 2 years ago

    I am a senior manager in PNB due for retirement in Jan 2023. How many days of CL will.I get. How many CLs can I avail in the month of Jan ?

  • Ghazanfar Ali Hashmi 2 years ago

    If I take leave because of illness for 2 or 3 days. Whether medical certificate is mandatory to submit