Booking of International airmails – EMS, Parcels & ITPS: Department of Posts O.M 14th Oct 2020

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Booking of International airmails – EMS, Parcels & ITPS: Department of Posts O.M 14th Oct 2020

Booking of International airmails – EMS, Parcels & ITPS: Department of Posts O.M 14th Oct 2020

No. DA-22/1/2020-DA
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts (IR & GB Division)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi- 110001

Date: 14 October 2020

Office Memorandum

Subject: Booking of International airmails – EMS, Parcels & ITPS.

The resumption of International mail services has been reviewed with reference to the availability of flight schedule of Vande Bharat mission of Air India and other Cargo Flights. The last review was done and communicated vide this office letter dated 05.08.2020.

2. Accordingly, following is decided: –

  1. Extending the list of countries for booking of EMS from 44 to 67 countries, ITPS from 14 to 15 countries and Air parcel from 45 to 82 countries as per attached list (Annexure -1).
  2. Resumption of booking of International Letter Post articles for 82 countries as per attached list (Annexure -1).
  3. Continue the suspension of booking for rest of the countries of mail till further orders.
  4. Revised list of countries and services as per para 1 and 2.2 will be effective from 15 October 2020.

3. Delivery of these articles to foreign destinations may not be possible as per the delivery standards mentioned in the Citizen’s Charter or standards agreed and published otherwise on the website of the Therefore, members of public/ customers should be duly informed about the list of countries for which services have been resumed and also about the likely delays in transmission and delivery of their articles due to limited connectivity in Covid 19 situation. Senders may be allowed to recall their articles , if not already dispatched due to non- availability of flights.

4. The list of countries for which booking is allowed should also be displayed prominently at the post office premises for information of the public.

5. Further, taking note of few incidents of booking and dispatch of parcels containing prohibited/ dangerous goods resulting in hold of mail, as reported by airlines, all the booking offices should be instructed to ensure proper check at the time of booking and filing of custom declaration form with utmost care.

(Ram Naresh Sikaria)
ADG (IM-11)

Copy to:

  1. All Chief Postmasters General
  2. GM (CEPT), Mysore- with request to upload this OM on India Post website and enable booking of EMS, Air Parcel, ITPS and Letter mail for the countries listed in attached annexure with immediate effect as well as enable printing of the message “Delivery may be delayed due to Covid” on the booking receipt issued to the customers .
  3. DOG (Marketing) , for wide publicity of the list of countries for which mail booking will be available .


Sr. No EMS Air Parcel ITPS Letter
1 Afghanistan Afghanistan Australia Afghanistan
2 Australia Australia Bhutan Australia
3 Austria Austria Hong Kong Austria
4 Bahrain Bahrain Indonesia Bahrain
5 Bangladesh Bangladesh Japan Bangladesh
6 Belgium Belgium Malaysia Belgium
7 Bhutan Benin Mongolia Benin
8 Brazil Bhutan Nepal Bhutan
9 Bulgaria Brazil New Zealand Brazil
10 Canada Bulgaria Philippines Bulgaria
11 China Burkina Faso Singapore Burkina Faso
12 Cambodia Burundi South Korea Burundi
13 Democratic Republic of Congo Canada Sri Lanka Canada
14 Denmark China Thailand China
15 Estonia Cambodia Vietnam Cambodia
16 Finland Czech Republic Czech Republic
17 France Croatia Croatia
18 Germany Democratic Republic of Congo Democratic Republic of Congo
19 Ghana Denmark Denmark
20 Hong Kong Egypt Egypt
21 Hungary Estonia Estonia
22 Indonesia Finland Finland
23 Iraq France France
24 Israel Germany Germany
25 Italy Ghana Ghana
26 Japan Hong Kong Hong Kong
27 Kenya Hungary Hungary
28 Korea Indonesia Indonesia
29 Kuwait Iraq Iraq
30 Latvia Israel Israel
31 Lithuania Italy Italy
32 Luxembourg Japan Japan
33 Malawi Kenya Kenya
34 Malaysia Korea Korea
35 Maldives Kuwait Kuwait
36 Mexico Latvia Latvia
37 Mongolia Lithuania Lithuania
38 Nepal Luxembourg Luxembourg
39 Netherlands Malawi Malawi
40 New Zealand Malaysia Malaysia
41 Nigeria Maldives Maldives
42 Norway Mali Mali
43 Oman Mexico Mexico
44 Philiopines Mongolia Mongolia
4S Poland Mozambique Mozambique
46 Portugal Myanmar Myanmar
47 Qatar Nepal Nepal
48 Romania Netherlands Netherlands
49 Russia New Zealand New Zealand
so Rwanda Nigeria Nigeria
Sl Saudi Arabia Norway Norway
S2 Singapore Oman Oman
S3 South Africa Philippines Philippines
S4 Spain Poland Poland
SS Sri Lanka Portugal Portugal
S6 Sweden Qatar Qatar
S7 Switzerland Romania Romania
S8 Taiwan Russia Russia
S9 Tanzania Rwanda Rwanda
60 Thailand Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
61 Turkey Serbia Serbia
62 UAE Singapore Singapore
63 Uganda Slovakia Slovakia
64 UK Slovenia Slovenia
6S Ukraine South Africa South Africa
66 USA Spain Spain
67 Vietnam Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
68 Sweden Sweden
69 Switzerland Switzerland
70 Taiwan Taiwan
71 Tanzania Tanzania
72 Thailand Thailand
73 Togo Togo
74 Turkey Turkey
76 Uganda Uganda
77 UK UK
78 Ukraine Ukraine
80 Vietnam Vietnam
81 Zambia Zambia
82 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe


Source: Click Here to view/download the pdf